Worm pho fanfic. Medical Tinker Taylor in a Cyberpunk world
Worm pho fanfic. Medical Tinker Taylor in a Cyberpunk world. So if you want to keep these readers, you need to inject whatever it is they like about Worm fanfics into your story. Thunder of … Brockton's Celestial Forge By: Lord Roustabout. Requests for specific types of fics/specific aspects of stories. I love Trailblazer, Ghost in the Flesh, Eden’s Edge, Imperator, and many other fics, but there’s a huge variety of crossovers. It's kind of unfair that this fic not only has a really nicely done Taylor alt-power, but the Vicky, Amy, Brian, and the Wards OC (Megumi) all have really good-feeling Worm powers that match up with who they are. Tungsten: Whoops, I destroyed your neighbourhood by sneezing too hard. Essence of Spirit: Some weaknesses, but the lack of need for materials and the Tinker-like versatility makes it really strong. He apparently knows … I'm not kidding, it was fucking huge! All we saw was a wake and this enormous black scaled back come out of the water, zoom past at what must have been at least thirty miles an hour, then slowly sink out of sight again. 4thof12 Replied On Mar 1st 2011: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Like Mother Like Skitter Annette is Marquis and Taylor triggers and wants to be a Ward! Has one of the best moments where Friend!Emma tries to be the only sane man and Sophia actively encourages Taylor being Skitter. ago. Seed By: TheOtherAnt. Although I'll admit some of my friends are a bit freaked out by them. After Aegis knocked him away from me, I decided Mrs. Patch (v1. Unless she was from another planet, I guess. Running as automatically as a human's heartbeat. Apparently, she shut it down in seconds. 5: Lisa Wilbourn & PHO. Set up things that will become important for the plot later on. As in actual, edible candy. I find that fanfic interludes can be repetitive, explaining things that … Of Metal, Bone, and Claws Chapter 1: Proluge: PHO, a worm fanfic | FanFiction. Replies 2K Views 141K. -Slaughterhouse Nine Down to One Member! It seems that Jack Slash's ability to dance between the raindrops has finally come to an end. Her child needed a real name, not something superficial like prototype. “School called, they said you-“. 1. I'm using imagery taken from the Bible, specifically where it says in Isaiah 6: "Above him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. So the themes and beats of it don't appeal to them. ago Meta -Someone begins to publish a certain web serial online. She could barely breathe through the edges of her door, and she could feel ants crawling down her sides. Show Most Recent Bookmarks For all fan fiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow. Along with a few of the local villains. Other things might be good, but just message a mod before submitting. " Fairly obviously :) Ianthe (Verified Cape) (The Family) Replied On Feb 19th 2011: Hi, BrocktonBayMod. Thanks to … Kilimanjaro. Maybe she dropped by to make sure Shadow Stalker handed back her secret Wards decoder ring. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. · 4y. Because we haven't gotten to Arc 2 just yet. If you want to talk about the request, reply to this comment. It is, in my view, the gold standard for fusions. PRT Report: SENTINEL; Jean-Marc Duval. Hurry up talk talk talk say what you need to … Lung has a teenage daughter who's been estranged from him for most of her life. Ants, centipedes, cockroaches, spiders, maggots and more. Tickets. Meta -Someone begins to publish a certain web serial online. Slow. New posts New threadmarks Search forums. They will not be accessible from other devices. Worm Starter Kit, Real Good Shit, Fics I Need to Read, Fanfiction 𝑰 Deem Worthy Of The Name Stats: Published: 2018-12-13 Completed: 2020-06-25 Words: 129,512 Chapters: 44/44 Comments: 555 Kudos: 1,895 Bookmarks: 416 Hits: … Dragon. I saw this posted in the Best of PHO Board and just had to respond, first of all congratulations NAC on choosing the illustrious path of the inventor. If … Firefly (Worm AU): AU where Lung was a women and everyone is "Asian". how about a better fic, like Show it All which is clearly the … 18 5 comments Add a Comment MisterUnlogicHitbox • 2 yr. Like, keep entirely out of public view, and for fuck's sake don't do anything to upset the Family, OR the DWU. Compulsion (Worm/Prototype) Dr. Fighting the Simurgh, almost leaving Earth's … I've taken interest in the Worm fanfictions that use PHO as their main framing device, such as the Special Edition and Working as intended. The names with links are more important characters. It was an unfeminine name. Made Skidmark accidentally lasso himself in the wire, then tighten the stuff with his fields. ArcticWolf (Veteran Member) (Power Guru) PHO Interlude I • Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards. 22. Turn up at the yard every now and then and fix things here too. That's an odd name, but you humans are funny like that! We like you anyway. 3 - Sophia Sophia knew there was something wrong with Emma. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth being attacked by Endbringers for. "At that exact moment, Taylor Hebert connected to a vast alien entity. . • Threads and private messages are ordered Lisa Wilbourn (born Sarah Livsey), known in her cape persona as Tattletale, is a member of the Undersiders. Here is a quote by my favorite self-insert fanfic author, "Every fanfic is wish-fulfillment. Lots of Best Friends [ 1] Satyrical!Taylor has fun with her shape-shifting clones. There's like thirty or forty of each outside now! (Showing page 1 of 10) Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member) Replied On Aug 31st 2008: Hang in there, buddy! BBPD officers were the first to meet her, she intervened in a firefight between four of the city's finest and six E88 who were robbing a warehouse. Please support the official release. And now Sam is free to stop listening to Dadversary, at the low cost of having to listen to Taylor. Hive Daughter Chapter 11: 2-3 PHO Interlude, a worm fanfic | FanFiction. It’s on questionable questing so except some nsfw smut. Meta-discussion about Wildbow fanfic in general. There is a shortage of restaurants in the docks; so all the new food trucks make the park a good place for food. Not that it took up much of her attention, she could run the moderation duties on there with only the slightest bit of effort. Eventually, they need hard evidence. Creative Works. '. Morningstar is a worm fanfiction featuring an eponymous hero, Morningstar, who triggers as a powerful Trump … The Wiki has a list of all PHO users who posted in canon. The abandoned building right next to Sue was bought and torn down by a quick-witted investor, and a small park has shown up next to Sue with a few street performers. I know a couple of people who are in gangs, only to say hi to when I'm having a drink you understand, and they tell me, very quietly, that Kaiser has told everyone to keep their heads down. As so, I put this Thread up … Worm: An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. The ABB is making a push into Empire territory. Most of the rooms upstairs were lived-in but empty. Beside Her - Oneshot, Taylor/Alec. Great scene where Emma realizes she drove Taylor to her worst enemy. Light Bedside Reading - A four-part story (that sadly never ended) where Greg Veder is a student at Winslow High and a classmate of Taylor Hebert's. A tier. Thomas pulled out his fork and began to eat, idly watching the feeds. Greg had the user name of XxVoid_CowboyxX on PHO, where he was guarded with his identity. By: Veriseple Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Crime - Chapters: 19 - Words: 46,616 - … Worm: More Than Meets the Eye has some pretty good PHO interludes. The rebirth of the best slime adventure you will ever find in the Worm fandom as well as the most ludicrous sequence events to ever befall one Taylor Hebert. • Ten posts per page • Last ten messages in private message PHO Wiki Entry (Showing Page 16 of 25) HoraceTombs (Practical Zombie) Replied on May 7, 2011: Alright, we're like twenty pages in, and I have to ask. Replies 5K Views 299K. Myrddin. Taylor gets the Endbringer controlling power, of course, because that's what Simurgh planned. This is the most important part, and if the PHO interlude isn't important regarding future events, skip it entirely. " (Worm/Nanoha) by P. Fanfiction told all or mostly on pho. Make it clear that you are the author if you are doing this. The Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha franchise is owned by various corporate entities. I speak, of course, of Flask! Brought to you by Wyvern and the Warhawk, and now sponsored by Hetap. What they can't do is base their case entirely on that Thinker's testimony. Arc 1 of Yet Another Worm Fanfic: the five scenes that never appear in canon but show up at the start of 50% of Worm fanfics. Unless she just doesn't know about PHO at all, but that doesn't seem likely. A moment ago. These are common fanon handles: DRAGON: Tin_Mother. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Danny pawed the back of his neck. H. Presenting: Sullivan! (Short, crack) Thamerlin. Disposition: Protectorate Location: DEPT 09 (Brockton Bay), previously of FR-DEPT 44 (Nantes) Age: 26 Status: full-time, widowed Height: 6'1 Weight: 235 lbs Class S Option: YES … In light of all the new evidence of Hive's innocence the president himself signed a pardon for Hive just yesterday. Just walked in, turned the lights out, and did something. I would like to think I have good taste but some of these recs can make me seem like a hypocrite. Just As Planned (Waifu Catalog SI, Worm Start) features the Simurgh as a main character and main waifu. Really weird and out there, … Welcome to Working as Intended, where Lung OP, Skidmark still isn't playable, and Shadow Stalker gets a new name. PHO [] You are currently logged in, Aloha_Life. Posting/advertising your own story is allowed. I have updated your status. The best written ones just make you believe it isn't. It's weird. Guy was trussed up like a turkey, t'was hilarious. 0c) … Worm, specifically Interlude 19 should be your baseline for writing PHO interludes, not fanfic. That's what I meant when I said Worm fanfic fanfics. Here are my favorite self inserts. The Girl of Tomorrow is the rewrite which is Taylor/Weld, but the original is Taylor/Amy. The Protectorate and PRT can take a Thinker's word and use it to plan action, and if they need to, they can call on the Thinker as a witness in a criminal trial. level 1. SuPARAnormal has PHO posts about horror shit hitting Brockton Bay and Hard (Crossover with SCP and whatnot) Televised is one where Taylor's life is set up as a weird 80s show with Laugh tracks and whatnot, PHO has to watch Replied On May 24th 2010: Crumbl'd: And again I will answer you: I'm not using 'Simurgh imagery. I've never really had the motivation to write for a fandom before, but something about Worm just made me fall in love. Ghost In The Flesh is a … So it looks like that's that for the third most powerful gang in the city. But the themes in Worm fanfics are what they like to read. Trailblazer: Yes, I'd like 4 Thinker powers to go with my Tinker power. This chapter is basically some PHO stuff along with the Cape Wiki's of certain Servants, which does contain some interesting info as it's the public opinion and knowledge on them. Imagine being a teenager with low self-esteem and suddenly learn that there are countless alternate universes inhabited by dimensional counterparts that are nothing like you and yet managed to accomplish everything you failed to. … Worm characters in Avatar TLA or Avatar characters in worm r/Parahumans • Perhaps the worst time for a brain fart (under a post about misunderstood characters) Wyrm Lord of Brockton Bay Chapter 11: PHO, a worm fanfic | FanFiction. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Worm fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. The Vicky alt-power could be an alt-power just on its own. She draws a large amount of entertainment from … Chapter 1: Beginnings and Meetings. 46 minutes ago. Alt-Trigger. Control growing, emotional health improving, support gained by allying with PRT and New Wave. You are viewing: • Threads you have replied to • AND Threads that have new replies • OR private message conversations with new replies • Thread OP is displayed. A crossover between Worm and the Cyberpunk universe. In most universes, she gets the power to control insects, in some, she gets a slightly different power. Probably the first big one. Civilians on PHO are excited about having a new cape within the city, completely unaware of the unimaginable power Okami possesses. Cue lots of shooting and screaming, then ominous silence. Fair warning, my muse tends to wander and these snippets will be short, around a thousand words or so. ago meh, that first fic you linked sounds lame as hecky-wack-nilly-nally-bah-doober, yo. Lisa is often perceived as an arrogant "know-it-all" by those around her. Taylor stepped away from the now impotent heroes. Taylor Varga is a crossover between Worm and the anime Luna Varga, written by mp3. She … Free to Play Chapter 3: Tutorial: 1-3, a worm fanfic | FanFiction Free to Play 1. The chicken in front of him was burnt beyond recognition, and the smoke alarm was going off in his house. PHO Interlude 1 PHO Interlude 2. Meta. Everything is so goddamn slow. Fanfic Recs /. There's "From High Above" by BeaconHill. That explains how the vault door and smoke appeared. 2010, October 16: Brockton Bay, NH, USA. Dragon turned her attention away from the PHO boards. Here's some pics. Path to Cuddles Taylor is the daughter of Doormaker and Contessa --er Danny and Fortuna. Interlude 3. She massaged her scalp full well knowing that it would only provide her minor comfort against the mounting thinker headache. Chill was far enough away that I could focus on the fight. Sometimes it creates more than it solves. You are very likely in a place all us creative types were when we first started, and I would be remiss if I didn't give you the advice I wish someone had given me when I first felt the calling. From every record of every country. 02)(v1. You are currently logged in, AllSeeingEye You are viewing: • Threads you have replied to • AND Threads that have new replies • OR private message conversations with new replies • Thread OP is displayed. The smell was unbearable. Almost entirely avoids fanon, reasonably dark but not oppressively so, … 48 21 comments Add a Comment A_FellowRedditor • 4 yr. Now we just have to find a way to get her out of the Birdcage. Thomas blinked, confused. Taylor/Alec. WolfSongGirl. Like I said before, many readers and authors haven't read Worm. Replied On Oct 27th 2010: They're hard working little guys. UncloudedTJ. Aspiring superhero Taylor Hebert mistakes Alex for a Case 53 and tries to help, but hides the fact that she can control his hive-mind of wormlike tendrils, just as he hides Show the disconnect between what the public knows and what actually happened, so readers can see how an event is spun etc. Worm belongs to Wildbow. A story where Hachi joins Lung to save the city from Coil and Taylor joins ABB after a high ranking member saves her from the Trio. “I bet she bought that at t-“. All other top-level replies must suggest a fic (or ask for clarification). An alternate universe where the Endbringers attack in a few different places and order that … Books: Worm fanfiction archive with over 1,539 stories. Fics like working as intended or special edition. Her … A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic] Ack; Aug 27, 2022; Words: 310k; 1 90 91 92. She values her intelligence and perceives any threat to that as a challenge. I sat there for minutes, staring off into the sky and listening to my CD player. Aug 18, 2016. Classification : Thinker 6 Sharp amplification of one or several senses at the same time. Found some of that freaky 'art' at his house, along with half of a body yet to be identified, but suspected to be Funnel, a local fire-teleport Mover. According to eyewitnesses and the news, the never-before-seen case 53 was apparently made out of candy. Is nobody else just a little skeptical about the ABB safehouse thing? Not to rag on the new(ish) hero or anything, but you have to admit it's a little far-fetched. "God I wish I had someone to talk to. • Twenty-five posts per page • Last ten messages in private message Lisa tapped her chin, licking her lips. The last time that happened was crazy enough. Rule 7 violations will be removed and may get you temp-banned. Replied on January 8, 2011: Tinker because they used a Tinker tech device to get in, and apparently one of them ambushed Aegis with some sort of electrical discharge weapon, and teleporter because only one of them was seen leaving the scene - the A-package. Open new ticket [Worm AU fanfic] Ack; Jan 3, 2020; Words: 110k; 1 182 183 184. FanFiction | unleash Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録 + Worm Crossover. Warning: Get's meta. The quest is about QA taking the reigns when she lands in Taylor wrong and the PHO interludes involve QA doing crazy stuff as "Titania". The Last Daughter - Taylor as Superwoman. Made contact with New Wave. Forums. He was well and thoroughly trapped in a tangle of flesh and cloth. This marked the first time that she felt uncomfortable with it. You are currently logged in, Transistor. I remember the grappling hook, he used it against Skidmark last year. He received several bans and probations while on the forum website, including a notable one for lying about being in the city after the aftermath of Leviathan. Splintered 's PHO interludes tend to be plot heavy but just ridiculous stuff that actually happens in that quest. GRUE: TDH (tall, dark, handsome) MADISON: SpecificProtagonist (also Browbeat) SIMURGH: Winged_One. Breather Interlude: PRT & PHO. The results of her trip into the locker yield a different sort of administration for Taylor Hebert. Just in time to avoid a tranquilizer dart coming at her from behind. shadowmist321 • 3 yr. In Brockton Bay a forgotten side character's trigger event ends with him linked to the Celestial Forge rather than his intended shard. I knew the wire was strong, didn't know it was 'ascend a motorcycle up the side of a building', strong. With Quests, readers get to make choices that affect what happens next after every chapter. Special Edition -Taylor gets an absurd precog power, … Taylor skittered up the wall, Vicky flew in behind the dogs who knocked the entire door, frame and all, into the building and Lisa pulled out a pistol and moved closer to Amy against the brick wall. She is reticent to admit she doesn't know something. There just aren’t enough enemies in Worm who pose a real threat to such a thing. By: The-Chibi-Poe. With extra tropes. Panacea felt a gnawing sense of guilt, as every second she took to herself was a second where … Worms From Out of Worm - A Fictional ISOT Map Game The Map Game Format: Map games are, essentially, a collaborative writing project. Language: English Words: 2,365 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 15 Kudos: 278 Bookmarks: 58 Hits: 2,566. If nothing else, Subjugglator was an equal opportunity killer, word is Abyss is dead. Interlude 2. 01) Patch (v1. Beyond that, no. Their Tinker deceased, by their own hand no less, at least a third of them on the run, and the rest in custody. A few days after the Boat Graveyard cleanup, a new case 53 showed up in town and went on a rampage through the shopping mall before being caught by the heroes. Edit: Really fucking expensive food. Instead of triggering with the expected Skitter powers, when Taylor is left, … Perhaps using the cards as a manner of tagging similar to Mouse Protector’s power. Each card might be keyed to outside locations or nearby items, trading the item for the card and vice versa. Raziel Replied on June 2, 2011: Powers are growing at an alarming rate, emotional health improving whilst having a few roadblocks stopping a full recovery. One of the side-stories involves an 'april fools joke' (in like February) where Burn-Up is posted instead of the next 'canon chapters'. Rules. Follow/Fav Acceleration. " Lisa said loudly to be heard over the crashing, barking, and screaming going on in the building. The Nightmare Queen: Top spooky. Wyrm Lord of Brockton Bay By: vandalvagabond. 1415player. She's Alexandria. Additionally, this story is unlikely to feature full sized mobile suits. Meta - A fanfiction where Worm by Wildbow is posted in a serial format on PHO, starting the day Taylor triggers. Site rules Staff roster Help files. A Wizard for creating PHO Interludes in Worm fanfics. Blue_Slime (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) Replied On Dec 31st 2010: Badsamurai, No, I didn't get any stronger. Alex Mercer wakes up having gained powers but lost his memory, and is thrust into a world where heroes and villains are a deadly reality. Yes even Wards and Nazi members. Worm characters read Worm, in the form of PHO file dumps. The crush of waste pressed her arms to her sides. Why is it that everytime a powerfull parahuman apperas PHO sundelly starts praying for said parahuman as if they were the new coming of God? Seriously guys I get it, she killed an Endbringer and all but must we once more decend into discussing Pantheons. Tattletale, Lisa out of costume, leaned back onto the couch with tired sigh. BlazeStryker. 6. Whatever she's doing, she has a good reason for it. X: Parahumans Online. She grabbed a cushion and groaned pitiably into it. The Celestial Forge is the greatest combination of crafting powers in Jumpchain, meaning it is the greatest combination of crafting abilities in all of fiction. Taking a seat on my throne, I leaned back and got comfortable before sliding a cigarette between my lips, snapping my fingers, and lighting up. OCs will be near non-existent as I prefer to insert characters from either Worm or Gundam to fill in story roles. Create A New Interlude! Interludes are stored on this device only. TATTLETALE: AllSeeingEye. Wise. Emma’s mouth quirked, red and cruel in glittering lip gloss. "Taylor's pretty hot. Creative Writing. Fanfic Recs / Worm. There was a fair bit of a backlog for Dragon to get through. all pho fic is there a fic witch is all or mostly parahumans online (pho) comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Basically what Ekul said. Also, I took the Replied on April 9, 2011: They bit it too. ago Special edition: the story about a Precognitive Taylor selling the future on internet. When she triggers unexpectedly he sends for her to come live with him in Brockton Bay. Going to try doing a PHO bit in this chapter, but warning I'm not exactly skilled with these kind of things so you may notice some errors. Basically fics that mainly take place in the PHO format. That, or they're looking to start a fight for the sake of a fight instead of a land grab. But that won't stop her from flying as high as she can. Taylor triggers and essentially becomes the Simurgh's initial existence in the world. … Taylor moved through the outskirts of the dance floor, towards the stairs leading to the upper floor. Everything else is fanon. Now, hold your horses. Any Port In A Firestorm [ 1] Danny meets a young woman at a bar. Reader mode Internalize [ 1] A snippet about Emily Piggot and her brother. When Taylor Hebert is at Summer Camp, she is attacked and mutilated by the Slaughterhouse Nine, Triggers as a Power Copying Trump known as Slashed Jack, kills all but Bonesaw, Burnscar, and Mannequin, then takes over and indulges in a deranged … With his arm trapped in the glove, fully extended, Clockblocker froze Browbeat before the latter's bulk could snap his arm. Cross-posted from Sufficient Velocity & inspired by Fencer22's Joyride snippets Well guys, The chapter is taking a good while so I decided that, considering this is my (((Shitposting))) Story that I should quickly work up the obligatory PHO interlude so that you guys could see Viktor's JarOfOz - Don't give the shipping fanfiction writers ideas, you know how they get, also, if you send a video of a jar somehow typing a post, I'm sure they'll give you the tag There probably won't be any more of these, but there might, idk, it was a bit of a bitch to write, even with the worm pho interlude wizard to help me. May 23, 2020. " I sighed, blowing smoke. Brockton's Celestial Forge By: Lord Roustabout. Story written entirely in PHO chapters, listing patch notes. Getting powers was one thing. She had spent hours simply looking at names. 2. Discard must have unkeyed cards that can be paired with objects. Slow slow slow. Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand … Seed Chapter 21: PHO snippet, a worm fanfic | FanFiction. Their facilities were destroyed down to the foundations by the Family, all their money was confiscated…. Placebo Affection [ 1] Vicky keeps setting Amy up on bad dates, so Amy decides to do something about it. It's pretty good in general actually. Parian gets a message on PHO from someone who wants to supply her with a durable fabric, and ends up with a terrifying dork as a new business partner, friend, and perhaps something more. It came to a head, as it almost always did in the manifold realities in which something similar occurred, in a locker full of muck in a run down, neglected, corrupt school, itself in a run down, neglected, corrupt city, as a result of a protracted bullying campaign against a high school student by three Welcome to the Parahumans Online Message Boards You are currently logged in, Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave) You are viewing: • Threads you have replied to • AND Threads that have new replies Amelia "Amy" Claire Dallon, Panacea, and later The Red Queen, is a parahuman with the ability to reconfigure biology with a touch. She is the biological daughter of Marquis and was adopted as a child by Carol Dallon and Mark Dallon under the team of New Wave. Please read and abide by the rules which are found at the top level of this forum under "Rules. Thank you, Ianthe, and welcome to PHO. Presenting: Sullivan! Worm, Ward, Pact, and Twig based fanfiction. #19. Working as Intended -Changes to capes powers are released as patch notes. The author has also written Worm / Doom crossover Taylor is DOOMed, Worm / Bolo crossover For the Honor of the Regiment and Mass Effect fanfic Incompatible System. Each player uses their turn to add to the story of the world, describing the events and developments that happen during their turn, advancing the plot, and adding new elements. Taylor would probably kill herself out of sheer depression if she were to react about worm fanfiction. Taylor Hebert is much too dangerous to be an ordinary cape. Working as Intended as Taylor as a Trump that can affect capes by editing their powers as if it was video game patches. Worm. "-Sir lucifer morning star. I couldn't move from where I was, because I was trying to be a distraction so Chilldrizzle could escape. He quickly started to take corrective action, throwing the near smouldering wok in front of him into the sink. In this universe, in some cosmic case of wrong telephone Interlude (PHO) Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards. They're history. Scene 1: shoved into the locker. As a warning, this is an AU. I mean, Worm is all about degraded morality and the slow descent into everything sucking and all that I don’t recall ever reading a worm borderlands fanfiction before that was not crack The Trials of Greg Veder) Badass A Challenger Approaches Fallout PHO Interlude: Or, Claptrap vs The Internet Daniel's Fault. Confrontation and its sequel have Taylor and Sophia becoming sort-of friends after Taylor joins the Wards. Even when it vanished you could see a huge ripple in the water moving towards the tanker. Disclaimer: The following is a fanfic. Now she has to reconcile her socially conventional morals and upbringing with being the newest cape of the ABB. MC is Taylor from an AU (Riley/Bonesaww triggered with QA bug control powers and killed Jack Slash) but she lived her life as is canon, then gets swapped into the Cyberpunk universe and must survive. They skittered along the floor like a tide, their twisting writhing bodies flooding the room. 10. So far everything they've got their claws into works like it was brand new, so as far as WE'RE concerned they're all right. Trailblazer is an incredible fusion AU. When in doubt she will turn to the ancient texts for wisdom Taylor Hebert was trapped. Overwhelming power isn't a solution to all of your problems. Working as Intended: Power … Of all kinds and sizes, bugs. Working as Intended -Changes to capes powers are … 13 TinyGladiator Author • 5 yr. Calculated move or taking advantage of coincidence? Not enough data. Suitable as a superhero’s name, but not as a person’s name. Or maybe she was there on other business altogether, and just happened to want to have a quiet word with Shadow Stalker for some other reason. Best chance to be free of Coil and anyone else that might wish to control her life. Hive Daughter By: PlateGlassArmour. I half expect Simurgh to be deliberating setting Taylor up for a trigger, by revealing her true identity. • Ten posts per page • Last ten messages in private message history. Right-Minded is a Black Comedy Worm fanfiction about a madwoman with a compulsion to HALP others. whpxmgpcpcdqqwltugygdjvaqphhskwxqahbisbkrbyamgkjqgpdwknnveihalnxaosjfvbqknsvkyjqhoq