Strapi query filter. Question: How should I change the API call

Strapi query filter. Question: How should I change the API call in order for me to filter by the country id in the object nested element? Note: The full code is much larger, so only parts that I see related have been provided. Google points to this issue. The API simply returns all records, ignoring the filter. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. Community Edition. 2. It gives unrestricted internal access to the database layer, but should be used only if the Entity Service API does not cover your use case. db. 13 Yarn Version: 1. For example, if you wanted to query events between two dates, or events that fall within a certain radius of a point, you could have an Event schema, as follows:. It's not a big problem. exports = { async findUnpublished (ctx) { //getting all the existing articles, no meter if they have unpublished status let result = await strapi. query(‘restaurant’). answered Dec 8, 2019 at 12:41. Complex combination of AND and OR in strapi (version 4) filtering. ( (tag OR tag2 OR tag3) AND ( (title CONTAINSI TEXT_FILTER_HERE) OR (body CONTAINSI TEXT_FILTER_HERE) OR (introduction … I am using Strapi headless CMS and I have a collection type called Teacher Profiles. category. The … I am using Strapi headless CMS and I have a collection type called Teacher Profiles. Simply copy and paste the following command line in your terminal to create your first Strapi project. find ({filters: {slug: args. fetchAll(ctx. disable graphql queries other than crud in … Use Strapi's REST API to populate or select certain fields. Content-type Builder. Name. CAUTION. If you need direct access to functions, use strapi. Hot Network Questions Can an argument be valid even if its conclusion has nothing to do with its premisses? Query that filters objects by predicate. type in my case. Post can have and belongs to multiple categories. ️ … Filtering. KadlinoBIT November 2, 2021, 2:57pm 3. teddybee July 24, 2023, 7:23pm 3. Islam_Zoukhaiev November 2, 2021, 10:56am 2. find ( {id: 1}); I get: { id: 1, name: 'Project 1', members: []} So basically I am able to find a Project by its ID and I get a list of its Members. lte: Less than or equal to. I know this is an old post but I wanted to clarify because I was about to ask the same question and didn’t see a specific answer other than the documentation link, which do not mention the combination of filtering and populating. find() When I query all subcategories I also get the correct results: strapi. Applying operators in other field types like number does filter the data as expected. The leading Open-Source Headless CMS. Ed. You can also use the interactive query builder if you prefer playing with our online tool instead of … Simple queries are working correctly, however, filters are not working. 1. Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes. 0-alpha. Reload to refresh your session there is no way to do it with strapi query API. 6; NPM … #Queries. Viewed 460 times. Strapi query for relation with IN filter and AND clause. See attached example where I query only outdoor units where heating:true. Sign up Query. Use Strapi's Query Engine API to … Persist Query. Minimal await strapi. In. It turned out that the where parameter accepts JSON file, where you can specify your query. Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs (opens new window) library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries. How to query, populate, and filter data in Strapi. field. Example: _where [filters] [country_tags] [0] [slug]=first-tag. Go to 'https://api-dev. query, filters: Use Strapi's Entity Service API to filter your queries results. ts: const We are aware of this issue, and it should be addressed in our upcoming Strapi v4. Follow the Quick Start Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions or have a look at a video instruction: Get started with Strapi v4 in 3 minutes. you can find the document in here. GitHub. filters. It is not possible to filter on dynamic zones or media . Material UI. How to filter dynamically in strapi-1. 2 Operating system: Linux Mint 19 Question How do you filter based on an empty value? For instance on my pr Skip to content Toggle navigation. io) which met our requirements even better than Strapi and seems to be more stable and reliable. Strapi-v4. Get Started. Example Post: Filters. Hello everyone! This discussion is based on Richard's Strapi Conf talk on demystifying Strapi's populated filtering. query {documents Example query with filters {documents (filters: {name: New search experience powered by AI. . in fact I choose the multiTag in the query parameter This is the query Knex is executing when trying to filter by uploads. BUT how would I go about getting a list of all members that belong to Describe the bug When generating the OpenAPI document, a lot of query parameters gets generated for the find queries. Queries in GraphQL are used to fetch data without modifying it. After successfully logging in to Strapi, on the left sidebar, under the PLUGINS section, click on the Content-Type Builder button. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4 Operating System: macOS Database: SQLite Node Version: 16 NPM Version: 6</details> I have a blog with content types «post» and «category». user. you cannot fetch draft data using the existing restapi urls. E. findMany({. ⚙️ Setup & Deployment. the post below would not meet the condition if given array is [1,2,3] but would pass the condition if array is [3,5]. filters, populate1); 👍 2 JiaqiGuo and nicolas-lepinay reacted with thumbs up emoji 😄 1 JiaqiGuo reacted with laugh emoji 🎉 2 JiaqiGuo and Sefibrah reacted with hooray emoji ️ 2 JiaqiGuo and nicolas-lepinay reacted with heart emoji 🚀 1 JiaqiGuo reacted with rocket emoji I want to pass an additional parameter geoDistance to my Strapi endpoint. Minimal With parameters. To populate all the root level relations, use populate: true: strapi. Before filtering an object by a predicate, you need to add a @search directive to the field that will be used to filter the results. Strapi's codebase uses the qs library to parse and stringify nested JavaScript objects. Changing operators (like gte or eq) give the same result, the data is not filtered. I can have multiple conditions there. When using filters you can either pass simple filters in the root of the query parameters or pass them in a _where parameter. I have the same problem, I couldn’t solve filtering among list items that populated in the query. It's just I can't filter using slug: my pages query: query { pages { data { attributes { Name slug } } } } It seems that any filters on dynamic zones are completely ignored (based on my testing). Improve this answer. I … Strapi query for relation with IN filter and AND clause. Ordering & Paginating. And I am adding an extra field in the query response that I calculate on the fly. Filters are used as a suffix of a field name: No suffix or eq: Equals. Do you have any ideas on how to implement this scenario? I have searched the docs, but there is a manual for V3 of Strapi. strapi don't have array types that look like this in response: { "Gamme": [ "Fournitures Scolaires", "Fournitures de Bureau" ], } If this is raw strapi resopnse then you are likely using json field, and you can't search on json field by default in strapi. For each model, the GraphQL plugin auto-generates queries and mutations that mimics basic CRUD operations (findMany, findOne, create, update, delete). Users, Roles, and Permissions. My problem was actually simple - how to add query filters into gql query. Follow the instructions below: 1. 1. Use qs directly to generate complex queries instead of creating them manually. 💡 TIP. Yeah same issue I’m having here, only allows sorts and I don’t want to use fetch a single item by id. For example, you can’t use 2020-02-31 (31 February) as it doesn’t exist. x. 🤓 Have you considered the Entity Service API? The Entity Service API is the recommended API to interact with your application's database. May 22, 2020 at 15:06. I've tried filtering based other fields and none affect the returned data. It just allows sorting but not filtering. state. 0 Database: PostgresDB</details> Hi, I need to implement a “starts_with” filter so that I can query every entry with a name that starts with an … Strapi V4 search by slug instead ID. How to filter dynamically in strapi. I can not find any information in the documentation on how to build an OR query with graphql in strapi. The Query Engine API offers the ability to filter results found with its findMany() method. The Query Engine API offers the ability to order and paginate results. # Sorting New search experience powered by AI. Results are filtered with the filters parameter that accepts logical operators and … How to filter dynamically in strapi Ask Question Asked 1 year, 6 months ago Modified 1 year, 6 months ago Viewed 5k times 2 This might be the noobiest Strapi or … Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries. I'm trying to deep filter API response from Strapi backend from a custom controller with entityService, but seems like I'm doing something wrong. Strapi GraphQL plugin provides automatically generated query types for every content … Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries. please help or refer any document. 3 NPM Version: 6. Then the field inside the relation is attach like an object, aka . find({ supercategory_null: false }) But when I query just supercategories it doesn't return any categories: strapi. services. If you would like to submit a PR to gut the filters out of the default doc plugin it would be nice since the current Strapi filtering system won't work with openapi anyway. Hot Network Questions Find the smallest integer multiple of a Decimal Build your query URL with Strapi's interactive tool. published_at is not null) limit <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. According to the documentation: Strapi filter data. For a general overview and understanding of the … Try Strapi v4 out now. 22. Examples in this documentation showcase how you can use qs. You can find the whole video … Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries. Note: You should use only valid dates! Otherwise, you will get errors. Hi, having the exact same issue here and couldn’t find any workarounds. To simplify, let’s consider … I am trying to do a combination of deep and complex filtering with the graphql plugin. In that case you shouldn't use >=, instead for that, you should use _gt/_gte and _lt/_lte attribute operators. Strapi v4 introduces new query filters. Projects has a 1:n relationship with the model Members . 3. No, Instead of modifying your existing controller create new controller and use that controller to satisfy your needs. Normally, strapi-v4 backend returns data in the <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. The Strapi backend provides an Entity Service API, built on top of the Query Engine API. Actually, this is a great solution. x … I'm trying to somehow filter for field values that are set in a component My GraphQL base query without any filter: query { products { applicationAreas we switched to Directus (directus. Thanks for your answers. 4. To create a new Strapi v4 project, simply run the following command: nnpx create-strapi-app@latest <my-project> --quickstart. Sorting, pagination, and, filters will be handled automatically by the strapi-v4 dataProvider. Case Example: user searches for people who know various languages. To get first date of the month and the last one, you can use momentjs’s startOf ('month') and endOf ('month Entity Service API. Situation: I want to filter on a situation like this. Filters are used as a suffix of a field name: Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly. npx create-strapi-app my-project Copy. The filter for date, datetime and createdAt (managed by Strapi) are affected. Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs filters, and sort in the population queries. This field doesn't exist in the Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries. Product. If the Internationalization (i18n) plugin is enabled on a content-type, it's possible to filter by … Strapi automatically creates API endpointswhen a content-type is created. ne: Not equals. Resource Center (opens new window) v4 Documentation v4 Documentation. In current version i can query models with nested filters only without "or", query with API Parameters: “contains” filter with “and” operator. query GetPosts{ posts { id post_title post_excerpt post_featured_image{url} … or date range. metus-cms Use Strapi's Query Engine API to perform operations on single entries. Developer Docs Complex populating can also be achieved by applying where filters and select or populate nested relations: Strapi-plugin-fuzzy-search . connection. const query = { filters: { slug }, ctx. 0. Example query: Find all documents and populate 'categories' relation with the 'name' attribute. How to query data from strapi by relation using grqphql? Use Strapi's Query Engine API to populate relations when querying your content. Introduction; Filters to use: offset: Integer: Number of entries to skip: orderBy: OrderByParameter: Order definition: populate: 💡 TIP. first. – Mr. connection (connection is the knex instance itself). When strapi do this check address bar in browser and copy last part with filter to your request. id}); It returns empty if the readBy field is empty, i just get a value when the readBy has some other users added. Update & Migration. 1 Answer. 0 Operating System: macOS Monterey Database: sqllite Node Version: 14. We assume that the Shadow CRUD feature is enabled. To see all available qualifiers, see our Strapi query for relation with IN filter and AND clause. You can search on relations and components. Uses fuzzysort under the hood: Simple, quick and easy. The post has to belong to all tags of the given array. When I query all categories I get the correct results: strapi. why Strapi dont fetch relationship in retrived data? Hot Network Questions Keep jumping till a cycle Is the 'marveled' expression in Greek used in Mark 6:6, Luke … I know this is old thread but I just run into exactly same problem and I could not find any solution. Strapi not able to filter relations value. Expected Result I would like to get all the entity-notification-event where the current user … you will have to create a custom control that will fetch all the entries. Relations and components have a unified API for populating them. Watch on. . Add the GraphQL plugin of … Note: Strapi v4 now is able to avoid the over-fetching and under fetching issue with the use of “populate” and “filtering”. Headless. I am a little bit late into the discussion however this might be useful for someone in the future. I have all const hasUnreadNotifications = await strapi. update < Restaurant >('restaurants', 1, { name: 'The Fork'}) Copy to I have created a collection (favorite) related to product and user. 26 — Filter on deeply Query arrays to create OR filtering. const { sanitizeEntity } = require ('strapi-utils'); module. 🚀 Getting Started. If you need direct access to knex functions, use strapi. Ant Design. Steps to reproduce the behavior Create a controller like this: async findOne(ctx) { // Filter by the current user as the author ctx. Authentication with remix-auth. Now I want to bring only those posts which have post_status = "Publish". The REST API is working. If anyone from the Strapi team has any suggestions here I’d love to hear it. I'm using Strapi with GraphQL. query, populate: '*' // in my case I populate all the related fields, you can list only ones that you need } const filterOut = ['createdBy', 'updatedBy']; //these are the fields that we need to sanitize const services Informations Node. 'select t0. js version: 10 npm version: 6 Strapi version: 14. post_status is a ENUM field with two option as Draft and Publish. Setup & Deployment. boop`s answer is not useful for that scenario. Go to Settings > Users & Permissions Plugin: Roles > Public then expand the permissions for each route and ensure find and findOne is checked. Hi! I have a “teaser” content type with a field “media” of type media. A wide range of parameters can be used and combined to query your content with the REST API, which can result in long and complex query URLs. Follow. Retrieve a list of content type entries that match the query filters. we need to define the special parameter to reach our goals. Instead of /api/projects/:user using this type of route, use /api/projects as you can get current logged in users details from ctx. my query to get pages works well. 2 14. 14. I can get one or the other to work but not both. In the docs on the content API page and complex queries section there is a subsection “Combining AND and OR operators” that suggests this very thing is possible but when I try to run a query that is … I’m particularly happy to announce this release as it will be the ultimate alpha of Strapi. It turned out that the where parameter accepts JSON file, where you can specify your … The Query Engine API interacts with the database layer at a lower level and is used under the hood to execute database queries. ”. Add a This discussion has been migrated from our Github Discussion #4906 Describe the topic I believe that there should be a discussion related to the current implementation of Strapi’s parameter system and am purposing a total rewrite to better allow for standardization not just within Strapi’s ecosystem (REST and GraphQL as well … In my Strapi project, i'm trying to write a Graphql query that filters posts by an array of tags. so I have to change the default behavior of strapi article api. In this particular case you should use the _gte like this: updated_at_gte: nd, So you would do: Hi. Strapi Version: 4. August 24, 2023. Yes, creating separate endpoint for this task would be great. query GetBlog { blogs (filters: {slug: { eq: "test"}}) { data { id } } Same problem here. We enabled this functionality programmatically with the following script in index. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. The Query Engine API interacts with the database layer at a lower level and is used under the hood to execute database queries. article'). But not able to perform the filtering properly, find endpoint returns an empty array. INFORMATION. query('api::article. I need to query articles that have the publish date after the current date. Tried to Read Strapi Documentation, which confused me a bit more. Developer Docs User Guide Strapi Cloud. query. Just go strapi cms panel choose articles in content manager and use filter button to filtering articles by category. Hi I want to apply a filter to the strapi api with a combination of AND and OR but I can't seem to get it working. g. The code in my Gatsby-node. React Query is a great library for fetching your data from y Queries to Strapi Content API can use several API parameters: Filters; Sort; Limit; Start; Publication State; Locale # Filters. 0; Operating System: macOS; Database: postgresql 14; Node Version: v14. The Entity Service API offers the ability to filter results found with its findMany() method. blogs”. Since Strapi changed to its never V4 structure it has broken my V3 query which I was using to create pages based on the data returned from Strapi. Minimal You can apply query filters to specify the returning fields and populate relations. It's recommended to use qs directly to generate complex query There is not currently a way to filter the JSON fields yet as of beta. We will not be back porting the fix to the v3 as we have almost entirely rewritten the database and query layers in the v4, which in doing so has already fixed this issue. Paul Bratslavsky. Steps to reproduce the behavior. Skip to main content. query = { ctx. gte: Greater than or equal to. Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up You signed in with another tab or window. I was trying to test Strapi API in one of my projects. Trying to use slug as an uuid to fetch single pages from a strapi backend v4. “Unknown argument “filters” on field “Query. query In this episode we are going to filter the data in our #Strapi and #Nextjs app with #React Query. You can learn more here. Results are filtered with the filters … The REST API offers the ability to filter results found with its "Get entries" method. The problem you might be facing is how the default Boolean values are stored in the database. API parameterscan be used when querying API endpoints to refine the results. 2 Operating System: Linux Arch Database: Postgres Node Version: >=12. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. 0. The user will enter the languages, and it should filter out the people who “contain” all the languages which were selected. 1 Database: MariaDB 10. You can't search on DynamicZones and json fields. 17. How to filter graphql query with strapi. x <=16. johannpinson commented •edited by lauriejim. If you are using MYSQL databse with strapi , I checked the boolean type field is stored as TINYINT, and even if you select the Bug report Describe the bug Filters in findOne controller doesn't work. All reactions. In the standard strapi, you cannot do this . query ('project'). Stack Overflow is leveraging AI to summarize the most relevant questions and answers from the community, with the option to ask follow-up questions in a conversational format. 6 Operating System: Mac Database: MySQL Node Version: 14 NPM Version: 12 Yarn Version: 12</details> update: i was talking about the admin filters not … Strapi query for relation with IN filter and AND clause. Any help would be much appreciated. I am trying to search through all entries in a database and from what i understood you need to use ``` strapi. Search. Resource Center Use the populate parameter to populate specific fields and the select parameter to return only specific fields with the query results. The GraphQL API allows performing queries and mutations to interact with the content-types through Strapi's GraphQL plugin. Announcing strapi@3. Because I see you were using strapi. You can also use the interactive query builder if you prefer playing with our online tool instead of … I have a model for Projects. find({published_at_null: false, readBy_ne: currentUser. createPages = async ( { graphql, actions }) => { const { createPage } = actions Greetings, I have a question regarding findOne method. type Event { id: ID! 5 Answers. Bootstrap Strapi with option quickstart. This topic is quite crucial and many users will find it usefull. How can I filter teasers with the REST API that have an empty media field? I Locale, and Publication State for REST API - Strapi Developer Docs. This article explains how to extend and build custom revolvers with Strapi v4. It happens because of function sanitizeOutput. GraphQL. The relation entity will need to have _relation at the end. Use qs directly to generate complex queries instead of creating them … My problem was actually simple - how to add query filters into gql query. Remix. 8 (latest) Share. How to filter boolean value in strapi. refine supports the features that come with Strapi-v4. How can I write a strapi query to get my posts and image from a category content type. Turns out you need to enable the find and findOne permissions on the public role for each API route. The Entity Service is the layer that handles Strapi's complex data structures like components and dynamic zones, and uses the Query Engine API under the hood to execute database queries. lt: Less than. After a few minutes of console logging and playing with service I was able to filter my fields using following piece of code: Strapi query for relation with IN filter and AND clause. search({ _q: ‘my search query’, _limit: 10, _start: 20 }); for it. Derrick Mehaffy. Good day to everyone. Query. What I’ve started into doing now is writing my own db-level queries via the knex instance which is accessible via strapi. … Introduction. gt: Greater than. js file using the createPages feature is like so: const path = require (`path`) exports. Strapi Cloud. There are categories that are created, but don’t have posts yet. GraphQL is a query language for your API and a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system you define for your data. Filtering related fields does work, but the syntax The Entity Service API is the recommended API to interact with your application's database. And want to filter articles which both have several tags like 1,2,4. However i can't figure out well, anything related to it. Strapi V4 filter where relation does not exist. Only use QueryEngine if EntityService does not cover your use case. @petersg83, would you mind sharing an example here? Thank you. find({ … 1. url is not null and t0. As you already learned from above examples, these are date ranges. Use directly to generate complex queries instead of … Query Filter you find here: strapi. Nothing in the docs or anywhere else. Currently it seems that Strapi is combining the data after query. id from endpoint as t0 where (t0. query('entity-notification-event'). I would like to search by SLUG instead default ID. This parameter should be used by the controller to run a calculation first and afterwards query those records which contain Modified 8 months ago. No need to worry about setting up an instance for a complex search engine. Bulk Operations for Query Engine API - Strapi Developer Docs. If I use: strapi. 10. io Content API - Strapi Developer Documentation Interact with your Content-Types using the REST API endpoints Strapi … REST API Interactive Query Builder Build your query URL with Strapi's interactive tool A wide range of parameters can be used and combined to query your content with the … 0. My product collection has a field called images but when i make a GET request to favorites i dont get back the images. 10</details> Consider a collection type, Page, which has two fields, a title of type text and sessions of type dynamic zone. The intention behind this is to allow editors to publish with future dates so they can plan ahead. This gives something like platformModels_relation. *, t0. To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. query I assume you are using Strapi v3. brezhitskiy42 January 2, 2023, 8:32pm 2. Register a weighted fuzzy search endpoint for Strapi Headless CMS you can add your content types to in no time. Please note I am running this on my Nuxt app. By “your query” I mean your parameters followed by _ and then filter operator … Below is my GraphQL Query to Fetch Posts from Strapi backend. Strapi - How to custom graphql with Strapi. Under the COLLECTION TYPES click on the Create new collection type link and for the Display name, enter product . slug},}) const users = await getService('user'). When filtering by a relational content type, the query typically includes a join with the relevent type. that's all. To answer your question, using the query param as true or false like you mentioned above works fine in strapi. Results are filtered with the where parameter that accepts logical … # Entity Service API: Filtering.