Continental io 470 specs. This adapter is drilled and tapped to ac
Continental io 470 specs. This adapter is drilled and tapped to accept the oil temperature probe. While 65 over 80 psi can be considered good for a Continental IO-470, If the cylinder is attached to a Continental IO-520 in a Cessna 210 and is 500 hours into its second run to TBO, One fluke compression reading below specs shouldn't result in a cylinder's being yanked off without further investigation and subsequent checks. 8299 CATEGORY 3 SB15-6C Supersedes SB15-6B CATEGORY 3 SB20-01 ISSUED REVISED DOC NO REVISION PAGE 2020/02/20 SB20-01 1 of 4 ©2020 Continental Aerospace Technologies, Inc. The IO-470-D model is a six cylinder fuel injected engine that produces. 10 on these engines will improve engine operation with the higher grade fuels. 45/49). 100 Continental IO-550 series engines Issue: 04 Date: 03 Oil: see CONTINENTAL Spec MHS No. The deluxe 182 Skylane was $16,850. Continental Oil Plug: 633189: req. CONTINENTAL MOTORS P. 653877 or 646277 . 8. The lifter inspection is easy with the cylinders off because the lifters can simply be slid out. 4) Warranty Generally speaking, our customers prefer TCM factory engines. Engines most affected by the higher octane include the A-65, A-75, C-75, C-85, C-90, C-125, C-145, O-200, O-300 and GO-300 engine series. Sold AS … O-470 AND IO-470 SERIES ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I INTRODUCTION ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS ACCESSORY … All pages related to the IO-470-K (CONTINENTAL) tag. 5% respectively while the IO-550 was certified at 300 bhp +5% −0%. Our engineers have over 150 years’ collective experience. The expertise … According to AirPlains, at 75 percent power (below 5000 feet MSL), the IO-520 burns 15 to 16 GPH and the IO-550 burns 17 to 18 GPH. A. downdraft exhaust outlets mounted on the Continental IO-240 125 250 Continental IO-470-F 260 464 IO-470-V Specs say 230 hp @ 2400, 412 lbs. Data from 1956 Observers Book of Aircraft General characteristics Crew: one Capacity: four passengers Length: 27 ft 0 in (8. CONTINENTAL. The IO-470-L model is a six cylinder fuel injected engine that produces 260 brake horsepower and has a crankshaft speed of 2625 RPM. 436. 6, 7, and 8; TS IO-520-P Spec. The Subject Matter Of This Service Bulletin Is Incorporated In According to AirPlains, at 75-percent power (below 5000 feet MSL), the IO-520 burns 15 to 16 GPH and the IO-550 burns 17 to 18 GPH. Continental® IO-360 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with an impressive 220 horsepower at 2800 RPM. TM IO-470-G, IO-470-R CAR 13, as listed in the TCDS 3E1 06-9920000 Rev A, 9/29/2021 N/A 10/28/2021 11 Continental Aerospace Continental Aerospace Technologies, Inc. Continental® O-470 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with 230 to 260 horsepower at 2625 RPM. For the Continental IO-TSIO-360 and GTSIO-520 series, however, a very slight adjustment can be accomplished by placing AN960-C416L or AN960-C516L washers on each side between the rocker shaft flat and cylinder. IO … Beechcraft Bonanzas and Debonairs Originally Equipped with the Continental Motors O-470 and IO-470 Engine. BOX 90 MOBILE ALABAMA 36601 • 334-438-3411 MSB00-5 2000 TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 360 Series One Each Side Max. The Continental IO-470 is a fuel injected version. with either the Continental IO-520 or the optional IO-550. Models H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35. TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550 and TSIOL-550 series new and rebuilt direct drive engines assembled utilizing a crankshaft that was manufactured from … FAA-PMA Approved 116 tes on this page WARNNG Cancer and/or Reproductive Har - www. 654576 . Also on the worst of the worst list is the Continental IO-360-A, -C, -D, -G, -H and all turbocharged versions of these engines used in various models of the Cessna Skymaster. 00 in: 471 in³: 426. Obvious repair needs are noted and green tags are attached to identify the parts (oil … IO-470 series Engine Operator's Manual: Standard Practice Maintenance Manual: IO-470 series Engine Overhaul Manual: August 2011: June 2023: March 2013: Copies of X42001, S-1200 Magneto Service Support Manual, X42002, S-20/S-200 Magneto Service Support Manual, and TEC-1, Tips on Engine Care (see below) are included in the library AFFECTED: Continental O-200, IO-240, IO-360, TSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, GTSIO-520, IO-520, TSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550 aviation gasoline (AvGas) engines identified by serial number in Table 1, Affected Engines I. Without question, the IO-470 engine is the best, most reliable, big engine manufactured by Continental. O-470 AND IO-470 SERIES ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I INTRODUCTION ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS Continental O-470 and IO-470 Illustrated Parts Catalog Author: McCurtain Technology Group Subject: www. 6 kg: 80/87: 7. 25-28 Nut, Engine Mount Leg Bushing 90-100 7. For instance, a camshaft for an LO-360-E1A6D costs at least $3000 compared to the $800 youd spend for a work-a-day 360 cam. Penn Yan Aero is an Authorized Full Service Lycoming Distributor. Nov 10, 2014 #4 Great info, would love to see the torque specs and at … Continental IO-550. An O-470 cylinder with the push rod housing; the housing is removed by releasing the spring tension. Engines designated "IO" are fuel-injected. IO-550-B . IO-470 only Parts support but no new systems 35-C33A IO-520B, BA 285 IO-520BB 285 IO-550B … CONTINENTAL MOTORS ® AIRCRAFT ENGINE O-470 (AR), IO-240 & IOF-240. Shop for an in-stock IO-550-B82 engine at Air Power Inc. Home; Overhaul / Exchange; IO-470-N . TIO-540-J2BD 350 SA604NW Machen, Inc. An O-470 push rod and shroud. Resistor Erosion Protection Barrel Style None - Unshielded E Cont IO-470-K (225 hp) 12 RHM40E REM40E RHM38S REM38S E33A, F33A, F33B, Lyco IO-720 (400 hp) 16 RHM38E REM38E RHM38S REM38S S2A Cont W-670 (220 hp) 14 RHM40E REM40E RHM38S REM38S Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Access to the “screen” area makes installation quite simple. Norvic are TCM Continental specialists and by using genuine TCM Continental parts will ensure your Cessna 185,A,B,C,D,E is back in the air … -470, -520, -550 . Make Norvic your first call for all IO-470-K requirements, including TCM Continental overhaul, shock load inspection, our fast … Continental O-470 & IO-470 Series 1963 Maintenance & Overhaul (OIOC-3) Consolidated Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions covering Engine Models. Beech Bonanza 35. These engines were all certifiedwithout accessories attached(FAR33. With Norvic’s best IO-470-K warranty in the business, your chances of reaching the next scheduled TBO with the lowest cost of ownership are the best available. Refer to Publication Number FI-2, “Position Tuned Fuel Injector Nozzle Installation and Maintenance Manual” for more detailed information and installation instructions. 25 x 4. The accessories on these engines are: alternator, vacuum (pressure) pump and air conditioner, if fitted. ABS/BPPP Guide to Initial Pilot Checkout: O-470/IO-470 Bonanzas and Debonairs 2 ©2012 American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation. In 1960, Beech introduced the Model 33 Debonair (name later reverted back to Bonanza), a stripped Bonanza with a conventional tail. Technical Portions FAA Approved . 95 mm 9046 cm3 231 kg 100/100LL 8. Category 1 . TCDS No. Exhaust . The Continental® IO-470 … Continental® O-470 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with 230 to 260 horsepower at 2625 RPM. What Are the Continental® IO-470 Specs. Applies to new and rebuilt TSIO-520-M Spec. 300 HP @ 2700 5. 25 in 552 in3 509. All technical work is performed by highly experienced FAA certified A & P technicians. Our Continental 470 series aircraft engines are reliable and efficient. IO-550-D engine in the Cessna A185E and A185F models, with installation of a McCauley D3A34C401/90DFA propeller, 80” to 88” length. 31-18 Bolt, Oil Sump Flange 155-175 12. GENERAL INFORMATION Continental Aerospace Technologies™ (Continental®) has seen evidence of excessive crankshaft IO-470 -C,-G, -P, -R, -T REM38E RHM38E REM38S RHM38S IO-470-J, -K REM40E RHM40E REM38S RHM38S IO-470-D, -E, -F, -H, -L, -M RHB36S-N, -S, -U, -V,-VO, -LO RHB32E RHB32S Teledyne Continental 25-30 300-360 Franklin Engine Co 25-30 300-360 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft 25-30 300-360 Wright Aeronautical 35-40 420-480. Flying reviewed the 175 in July 1958 and deemed it to be “an answer to a market requirement—a constructive answer. Manufactured by Continental Motors, the family also includes the E165, E185, and the E225. 508. This engine mounted oil filter adapter i s designed for Continental Motors O-470-11 and O-470-15 engines in the Cessna L-19 “Birdog”. The oil … For IO-550-P: CONTINENTAL IO-550-P Stocklist and Installation Drawing No. 8 lbs: O-470-U: 6: 172 kW @ 2400: 127. Specifications (1992 17-30A Super Viking) General 5. 1 35-C33 3A15 Australia BE33 BEECH AIRCRAFT CORP Full Registration Gasoline HARTZELL PROPELLER INC. First run in 1963 as a development of the IO-346, it has been produced in versions incorporating fuel injection ( IO-520 ), turbo-charging ( TSIO-520 ), and gearing ( GTSIO-520 ). E-225-8 . TM IO-470 -C,-G, -P, -R, -T REM38E RHM38E REM38S RHM38S IO-470-J, -K REM40E RHM40E REM38S RHM38S IO-470-D, -E, -F, -H, -L, -M RHB36S-N, -S, -U, -V,-VO, -LO RHB32E RHB32S Teledyne Continental 25-30 300-360 Franklin Engine Co 25-30 300-360 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft 25-30 300-360 Wright Aeronautical 35-40 420-480. The U-17B is powered by a Continental IO-520-D with a thrust rate of 300 horsepower. Before installing the spark plug lead connector, wipe it clean using a lint-free cloth moistened with A six-seater, single-engined, metal high-wing aircraft with conventional landing gear, the 185 was initially hauled by 260 horsepower courtesy of the Continental IO-470-F series engine. It remained out of production until 1955, when rights were sold to Tubular Steel Corporation (TUSCO), which specialized in rebuilding and updating old Navions with Continental IO-470 engines of 240, 250 and 260 HP. Continental® O-200 Engines: 4-cylinder engines with 100 continuous … EASA 145 regulated TCM Continental IO-470-N services. The Continental O-470 engine is a family of carbureted and fuel-injected six-cylinder, horizontally opposed, air-cooled aircraft engines that was developed especially for use in light aircraft by Continental Motors. The IO-470and the IO-520 werecertified at225bhp and285bhp ±2. FADEC TIO-540-J2BD 350 SA762NW Machen, Inc. Beech Bonanza 36. The 175, priced at only $10,995 while offering “big-airplane” features, seemed to be what General Aviation buyers desired. IO-470-K . 25 in 552 in³ 470. Make Norvic your first call for all IO-470-F requirements, including TCM Continental overhaul, shock load inspection, our fast … Applicability: Models IO-360, L/TSIO-360, IO-346, L/I/O-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, L/TSIO-520, 6- 285, IO-550, and GTSIO-520 series engines, which are installed on, but not limited to … Buy a Continental O 470 series engine online. Affected engine serial numbers are specified below. Fluids (Fuel, Oil, Coolant, Additives) Fuel: Aviation Gasoline, minimum grade 100 or 100LL (all models except IO-360-B … Order a new I0470L21BN engine at Air Power Inc. We have an I0470L21BN Continental engine manufactured with high-grade components. All with Continental Motors (CM) Position Tuned Fuel Nozzles. watersports7 Well-known member. 5-9. TM P. 4-3 with Continental Motors (CM) Position Tuned Fuel Nozzles. Casting # on Casing 6652 92646 6631 92146 … Continental 520 Series 30 March 2023 Notes: 1. 0 x 101. Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. You can find engines from the O and Continental IO-470 … TCM Continental IO-470-K overhaul. Back; Continental Engines. Buy IO-550-B82 new Continental engines today at Air Power Inc. Kelly Aerospace Champion Engine Manufacturer Engine Model Power Systems Part Number Part Number Part Number ES48103 CH48103 Textron Lycoming O-320, IO-320, O-360, IO-360, IO-470 series Engine Operator's Manual: Standard Practice Maintenance Manual: IO-470 series Engine Overhaul Manual: August 2011: June 2023: March 2013: Copies of X42001, S-1200 Magneto Service Support Manual, X42002, S-20/S-200 Magneto Service Support Manual, and TEC-1, Tips on Engine Care (see below) are included in the library Applicability: All model IO-360, TSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, GTSIO-520 and IO-550 series engines with TCM P/N 649309 or 649310 (Pro-Tech) oil filters. A Continental IO-520 with the cylinders removed. dry weight for the 0470U . IO-470 series Engine Operator's Manual: Standard Practice Maintenance Manual: IO-470 series Engine Overhaul Manual: August 2011: June 2023: March 2013: Copies of X42001, S-1200 Magneto Service Support Manual, X42002, S-20/S-200 Magneto Service Support Manual, and TEC-1, Tips on Engine Care (see below) are included in the library For instance, a camshaft for an LO-360-E1A6D costs at least $3000 compared to the $800 youd spend for a work-a-day 360 cam. Our STC is for the use of the IO-470 -D, E, F, H, M, N, S with fuel injection system removed and replaced by the carburetion system that is original equipment on the IO-470 engine. 5:1 2200 hours or 12 years E3S0 280 HP @ 2700 5. Beech Bonanza 33. SUPERSEDES MSB94-8, 8A, 8B, 8C. 35 x 107. Page 24 Engine Operation 7-2. 6 mm: … THE 470 SERIES IS A FAMILY OF AIR COOLED, NATURALLY ASPIRATED, HORIZONTALLY OPPOSED, 6-CYLINDER, GASOLINE, FUEL INJECTED, SPARK … Continental. AFFECTED: IO-360, TSIO-360, LTSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550 and TSIOL-550 series new and rebuilt direct drive engines assembled utilizing a crankshaft that was manufactured from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2000. Sharing the 35's cabin and wings, the Deb carried a 225-hp Continental IO-470. Intake . This AD schedule is applicable to the following Continental engine series: Rebuilt IO-346, 6-285, O-470, IO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, GTSIO-520 series engines with S/N detailed in Rolls Royce SB T-386. gov www. Continental® 500 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with a powerful range of 280 to 350 horsepower at 2500 to 2700 RPM. Re-install the lifters according to the . 2 lbs • E-273, Continental 0-470 • P57GL, McCauley • P-920, Hartzell • 2A4, Twin Commander • E-284, Textron Lycoming • A9CE, Cessna 188 • 3A12, Cessna 172 • A16CE, Cessna 207/T207 • 3A21, Cessna 210 • A3SO, Piper PA-32-260 Section IV: Type Certificate Data Sheet and Specifications (TCDS) 4-2. A dynamometer is not Still, the airplane is considered highly desirable, capable of performance in delicate mixture that few other airplanes have achieved. The 1O-470 engine is a high compression version of your original O-470 Continental requiring 100LL fuel. Continental® 500 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with a powerful range of 280 to 350 … The published Maintenance Manuals, Overhaul Manuals, Operator Manuals and Installation and Operation Manuals for Gasoline Engines are listed below. Our I0-470-L21-BN engine features low-cost shipping and warranty management. FAA-PMA Approved 116 tes on this page WARNNG Cancer and/or Reproductive Har - www. . Continental Motors O-470 and IO-470 Engine Models H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35 35-33, A33, B33, C33, E33, F33, G33 November 2012 . for some IO-470-C, -N w. Compliance with the instructions in Section 10-6. Also all listed model engines regardless of S/N which have had oil pump assembly oil ISSUED REVISED PAGE NO REVISION MO DAY YEAR MO DAY YEAR 2 of 14 02 07 2003 10 26 2004 Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. 34 twin commanche pa-30 “160” turbo io-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 pa-39 “160” io-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 cherokee six lio-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 Design and development. * The only current new model that is available from Alexandria Aircraft LLC. 67 m) Height: 10 ft 6 in (3. 2. The engine has … The Continental® O-470 can produce 230 to 260 horsepower with a maximum rated RPM of 2,400 to 2,625. The aircraft is basically a Cessna 180 with a strengthened fuselage. MANDATORY SERVICE BULLETIN . We provide a new Continental IO-550-B82 engine with a mechanical tachometer drive and gold standard ENG. Serial Number: CS237754. 4-3 TCM Continental IO-470-F overhaul Make Norvic your first call for all IO-470-F requirements, including TCM Continental overhaul, shock load inspection, our fast exchange service, or general repairs. A severely worn camshaft lobe. co Firewall Forward Important: To confirm FAA approved eligibility, verify that your current (or originally) installed oil cooler P/N is listed in the “FAA Approved Replacement for” column for your aircraft model. The engine is produced by Continental under Production Certificate No. Best known prices on Lycoming IO-720 fuel injected engines for sale. Requirement: To prevent possible loss of oil and subsequent engine failure, remove affected oil filters from service per TCM SB M88-4. No Log Books available. 6 IO-346, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL ® AIRCRAFT ENGINE. has horizontally opposed air cooled cylinders. REQUIRED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT CAUTION: Refer to the torque specifications, Table 1, “Hose End The United States Air Force supplied this version to several countries under the Military Assistance program. 35-33, A33, B33, C33, … TCM Continental IO-470-F overhaul. MSB94-8D . 3 m 2) Empty weight: 2,850 lb (1,293 kg) Gross weight: 4,600 lb (2,087 kg) Fuel capacity: 100 US gal (83 imp gal; 380 L) Powerplant: 2 × Continental O … • E-273, Continental 0-470 • P57GL, McCauley • P-920, Hartzell • 2A4, Twin Commander • E-284, Textron Lycoming • A9CE, Cessna 188 • 3A12, Cessna 172 • A16CE, Cessna 207/T207 • 3A21, Cessna 210 • A3SO, Piper PA-32-260 Section IV: Type Certificate Data Sheet and Specifications (TCDS) 4-2. If only part number 653888 or 653906 lifters are present, the engine is not affected by this MSB. 653888 or 628488 . Provide your own engine (either IO-520 or IO-550) and $16,000 buys a new Hartzell propeller and all the STC paperwork. Close. Take a closer look at our series build offerings and their unique Continental® engine specs below. The engine cylinders have an. 20 m) Wing area: 175 sq ft (16. ISSUED REVISED DOC NOREVISION PAGE 2015/10/15 2019/09/27 SB15-6 C 1 of 16 ©2019 Continental Motors, Inc. These are known as the D, E and F models, respectively. Reground versus new camshafts Our STC SA00344WI approves installation of a stock Cont. 8299 CONTINENTAL AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES ™ SERVICE BULLETIN Contains Useful Information Pertaining To Your Aircraft Engine The IO-470, on the other hand, has had an excellent service record since the early 1960’s. 7, 9, 10, and 11; New and rebuilt TSIO-520-M, P, and R model engines with subsequent specification numbers. R. No Prop strike. TSIO-520-M, P, and R engines except those listed above may be eligible for a 1600 hour TBO increase by installing: new cyl- ES48109 CH48109 Teledyne Continental Motors 6-285, IO-346, IO-360, TSIO-360, CH48109-1 P/N 649923 LTSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, LIO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, GTSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550 Series ES48110 CH48110 Textron Lycoming O-235, IO-320 Series LIO-320, CH48110-1 P/N LW-13215 AIO-320, AEIO-320, O-360, IO-360, History. The cylinders have updraft intake inlets and. O. There are four price points for these two engine options. Our IO-550-B82 new Continental engine features a 70 amp alternator and 12-volt starter. All our TCM Continental engineers are fully trained and conform with EASA Part 145 requirements. 260 brake horsepower and has a crankshaft speed of 2625 RPM. GTSIO-520 Series AN960-C4 16L for Continental. 25-28 Nut, Tie Bolt Prop Shaft Cages 90-110 7. No warranty is expressed or implied. Continental® O-470 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with 230 Big-bore Continental engines — the IO-470, IO-520, IO-550 andtheir turbocharged counterparts — are perhaps the most popular high-performance pistonpowerplants in General Aviation. IO-540-K1A5 350 SA1773NM Raineri Ray Turbonormalizer 260 SA1252WE Rayjay Parts, LLC. 3 C-125, C-145 & O-300. 6 mm: 7722 cm³: 193. ” Continental calls This Continental IO-360 spun a main bearing after cylinder work. ISSUED REVISED PAGE NO REVISION MO DAY YEAR MO DAY YEAR 5 of 13 C 06 11 96 02 08 2005 Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. One of their reasons is TCM factory warranty. NO DATA TAG. REQUIRED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT CAUTION: Refer to the torque specifications, Table 1, “Hose End Both Continental and Lycoming specify that cylinder fasteners are to be torqued “wet. There is no other change to the fuel system, engine Shop. Shop for a new I0470L21BN Continental engine from Air Power Inc. READY TO SHIP ENGINES; ENGINES. The engine. A dynamometer is not used because it lacks thrust load. 9 lbs IO-550-G 6 209 kW @ 2700 133. 658024 . ”. Page 23 100/100LL. The family also includes the E165, E185, E225 and … See more O-470-R, S: 6: 172 kW @ 2600: 127. AERO The 550 series includes 550 in3 models in either naturally aspirated or turbocharged configurations. The expertise and long service of Norvic people. Continental O-470-R or O-470-S … 34 twin commanche pa-30 “160” turbo io-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 pa-39 “160” io-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 cherokee six lio-320 ch48110-1 cfo-100-1 A standard 182 was $14,350. AN960-C5 16L for Continental. 3. 185 Skywagon Notable Accident and Incident R - Mil-Spec. Aircraft Accessory Drives Designation Rotation direction Speed ratio to crankshaft Max. Norvic are TCM Continental specialists and by using genuine TCM Continental parts will ensure your aircraft is back in the air with minimum fuss. Reground versus new camshafts IO-470-D Cessna 310 627995A1 IO-470-D Meyers 627995A1 1 IO-470-D (42,56) Cessna 310 539776A1 1 IO-470-E Cessna 210 628021A2 IO-470-F Cessna 185 632062-14A1 1 IO-470-F Bellanca 628032A1 IO-470-G Lockheed 626807A1 5 IO-470-H Navion 628230A1 1 IO-470-J Beech Debonair 627555A1 IO-470-K Beech Bonanza 629294A1 IO-470-L (left … AFFECTED: Continental O-200, IO-240, IO-360, TSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, GTSIO-520, IO-520, TSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550 aviation gasoline (AvGas) engines identified by serial number in Table 1, Affected Engines I. These engines power Beech Bonanzas and Barons, Cessna200-series singles and Cessna 300- and 400-series twins, and many other … Continental IO-470 Series and O-470 Series 30 March 2023 Notes: 1. 658026 -470, -520, -550 . 9-14. This AD schedule is applicable to the following Continental engine series: Engine Series: FAA Type Certificate: IO-470-A/ -C E-273 IO-470 Series 3E1 O-470 Series E-273 2. Log in Register Speak to an expert (800) 247-7693. A family of carbureted six cylinder, horizontally opposed, air-cooled aircraft engines; the Continental O-470 was developed for use in light aircraft. GENERAL INFORMATION Continental Aerospace Technologies™ (Continental®) has seen evidence of excessive crankshaft Continental IO-470 Series Engine Information. Beech props: Applicable Models: ** Note: on earlier model aircraft with the IO-470-C engine, an oil plug transfer tube or an oil plug may be required. The exception was that a Continental … Factory specs test cell run using a flight prop and governor. Hydraulic Lifter Installation instructions in EASA 145 regulated TCM Continental TSIO-550-B services. Click here for the Diesel … Continental IO-470 Aircraft Engines Aircraft Powered by Continental IO-470 Aircraft Engines Find your aircraft application below and tap for engine quote Beech Bonanza J35 Continental IO-470-C Beech Bonanza K35 … Engine Specs: 260HP. Stored inside factory for 20+ years. 5-8. 2 GO-300. Four-seat light cabin aircraft, powered by a 224-kW (300-hp) Lycoming IO-540-K1ES piston engine, the aircraft is fitted with two Rajay turbochargers. Continental® O-200 Engines: 4-cylinder engines with 100 continuous horsepower at 2750 RPM. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the National Airworthiness Authority Buy IO-470-N Continental engines today at Air Power Inc. P. E. Based on the Cessna 180, the 185 had a larger vertical stabilizer, a strengthened firewall, landing gear and axles, and a larger engine. (FAA AD 88-03-06 refers) Continental IO-470-V-O IO-470-VO Removed from RH Show Details Category: Engines > Engines From a: 1970 Cessna 310Q : PN: We dialed the crank flange and determined that it was bent out of specs so the engine is being offer as a CORE in AS IS condition. Fortuitously, the situation was caught at a routine oil change (where the fi lter was found to have thousands of fl akes of bearing CONTINENTAL IO-470-V0 TSMO 736 • $18,995 • FOR SALE • Engine w/Accessories TSMO= 736. 23 m) Wingspan: 35 ft 0 in (10. The Continental IO-360 engine models are equipped with a mechanical CMI fuel injection system and a two magneto ignition system. 00 x 4. 657913 . The turbocharged TSIO-360 series was first certified on 11 October 1966 to the Federal … the IO-470/IO-520 and the IO-550. mccurtainTG. The IO-360 was first certified by the Federal Aviation Administration on 15 May 1962 to the CAR 13 certification standard, effective June 15, 1956, as amended by 13-1 thru 13–3. Beech EASA 145 regulated TCM Continental TSIO-550-B services. But that wasn’t the end of the Navion. a. overhead inclined valve design. TM IO-346, O-470, IO-470, IOF-550 TSIO-470, IO-520, L/TSIO- 520 GTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550, TSIOL-550, TSIOF-550. The Continental O-520 is a six-cylinder, horizontally opposed aircraft engine produced by Teledyne Continental Motors. Fluids (Fuel, Oil, Coolant, Additives) Fuel: Aviation Gasoline, minimum grade 100 or 100LL (all models except IO-360-B … The basic process is as follows. IO-520-BA . Continental® O-200 Engines: 4-cylinder engines with 100 … Continental® IO-360 Engines: 6-cylinder engines with an impressive 220 horsepower at 2800 RPM. 24 9. Six (6) month, no hour limit, 100% warranty on parts and labor. P65Warnings. The last military variant U-17C is a four-seat aircraft outfitted with a Continental IO-470-L piston engine. com Created Date: IOF-550 300 SA10074SC Teledyne Continental Motors. com Created Date: An O-470 cylinder with the push rod housing; the housing is removed by releasing the spring tension. Our advanced TCM Continental IO-470-K engine shop with experienced EASA Part 145-authorised engineers are the hub of our service-overhauling and repairing light aircraft engines such O-470 AND IO-470 SERIES ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I INTRODUCTION ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS Continental O-470 and IO-470 Illustrated Parts Catalog Author: McCurtain Technology Group Subject: www. Upon arrival, the cooler gets an initial inspection performed by shop foreman Frank Sierra. The C6LC-11/15™ model comes complete with a Tempest® AA48108-2 The Continental IO-360 engine models are equipped with a mechanical CMI fuel injection system and a two magneto ignition system. 5 and 6; TSIO-520-R Spec. ca. Norvic Aero Engines offer TCM Continental TSIO-550-B overhaul / exchanges. Box 90 Mobile Alabama • 251-438-3411 SIL 03-2 B 7. Box 90 Mobile, AL 251. 9 (Prop Strike) Logs/photos/details per request S/N: 455203 • Contact Sales Staff - TEXAS AIR SALVAGE, - located Bloomburg, TX 75556 United States • Telephone: 9032557878 • Posted September 22, 2023 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • … Remanufactured or Overhauled Continental Aircraft Engines: IO-470-C, IO-470-D, IO-470-E, IO-470-F, IO-470-H, IO-470-J, IO-470-K, IO-470-L, IO-470-M, IO-470-N, IO-470-P, IO-470-R, IO-470-S, IO-470-U, IO-470-V, IO-470-VON Factory specs test cell run using a flight prop and governor. 657915 . cfarlaneaviation. The main difference between the two aircraft is the larger vertical fin on the 185 and the 300 hp (224 kW) Continental IO-520-D engine as opposed to the 230 hp (172 kW) Continental O-470-S fitted to the Cessna 180. 0:1: 1700 hrs or 12 years: E-273: 230 HP @ 2600: 5. IO-360-AF CAR 13, FAR Part 33, as listed in the TCDS E1CE 06-9920000 Rev A, 9/29/2021 N/A 10/28/2021 22 Continental Aerospace Take a closer look at our series build offerings and their unique Continental® engine specs below. Beech B33 Debonair. : IM.