Best horde server eu reddit. Best EU (pve) realm . Well you have 2 o
Best horde server eu reddit. Best EU (pve) realm . Well you have 2 or 3 fake PvP servers (Benediction, Faerlina, Whitemane) which are all nearly 100% dominated by one faction and you’ll never see PvP in the open world. Gehennas has the largest EU horde population. It has been answered twenty times. Judging by the lower I you wrote I'm assuming you are Turkish (EU). Best server for Horde RP in EU? I miss rp :(( comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A … Which PVP EU server is best for Horde in Era? I have all my alliance characters on Fireman EU, and its perfect balance between somewhat balanced factions and a big and … Alliance PvP. Fresh will go the same way it always goes. 3. Silvermoon, sylvanas, Ravencrest, agent dawn (rp) from memory. Approxiamtely 96% of the server population is Alliance, and approximately 4% belong to the Horde. nabbit • 10 yr. Horde EU PvP Server : r/classicwowtbc. Simplyred-hydraxis. We don’t want any more non RP’ers on the server, as it is the only RP server left…. Last updated 21 Feb 23. Tich is very … View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Whitemane PVP west for horde and if you want pvp. With all of the large servers locked, what is a high population English EU server for Horde characters? Best PvP ally server. 8/43. EU Horde Era Server : r/classicwow. I would recommend Pyrewood Village (EU), really nice PVE server and lots of people doing low level content. If you don't care about raiding and money making, but rather a 100% positive atmosphere, then the RP servers are your place. I would rather be on a "High" or "Full" server, and i dont care about queues. Join. Community General Discussion. There are some gargantuan, old clans there with high quality RP that do cross-guild and cross-faction RP. NA Whitemane cluster - PvP. TBC - Best Horde Server for NA + EU. If you're just after population, you can google wow servers and pick out the ones with a favorable Alliance-horde ratio. The smallest number is 1272, it doesn't mean "barely any horde". (at least until 6pm) Its a safe bet but keep in mind we'll The Old Guard disbanded. Best server for Horde RP in EU? I miss rp :(( comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Reklia77 Go on a established mega server. I play in Dun Modr (spanish server), I think it's the biggest of spanish ones, and don't know with what server compare. The remaining English realms are either small or Horde-dominated. It’s fine. Grob if you want world pvp. My friends and I stopped playing on horde nethergarde keep and are leveling alliance toons on another pve server because it was hard to find groups on a quieter server. Not meaning they play better, just that the people playing are just much better attitude-wise. According to wowprogress it's Stormrage. Find a guild. select Defias Pillager and players Every World of Warcraft Classic Server & All Population Numbers We’ve gathered up all of the population numbers for World of Warcraft classic using information posted by IronForge. pro, btw. nykezztv • 3 mo. Appreciate the props though. Illidan is Chicago. Don't have anyone at all to play with so open to suggestions :) Thank you! I'd recommend Draenor for PvE content. I know everyone here is saying it does matter but I really don’t think it does. Faerlina is the most balanced PVP server as of right now, so … Som 2 is most likely not happening. pro they are using data from before the prepatch. Azariuh-area-52 June 9, 2022, 6:58pm #10 For PVP though, idk ab illidan but Tich and Area 52 have vastly different social atmospheres. Thanks that's useful. Alliance ~1. Note: other servers exist, are in some cases clustered, and have various levels of population; they will be covered at the very end of this guide. Gordunni. Galedron-area … Emerald Dream is the server you must join if you are aching for some hard-core RP content and since ED is created by THE dragon itself, Ysera. Small advantage to horde but nothing to feel guilty about. However If you -do- want to RP or even get involved in it alongside your ‘normal’ stuff, then Argent Dawn is a My Horde characters are in Stormscale and my Alliance characters are in Outland. To change the server you’ll need to purchase a Character Transfer from the Battle. If you are German stay far away from any German RP server, specially Die Aldor. It is the Horde RP server. Hello EU players. Im very much a pver, pvp can be fun but ide rather choose when to partake. Gear you still want a lot of buyers/sellers I guess. If you are playing horde and its horde dominated thats the server for you, vice Argent Dawn is probs your best pick for EU. Our old one was beyond dead. as far as i know, queues never happen on Faerlina either - which has the largest NA horde population. silvermoon has a ton of elves, as is the norm, but it's good for rp honestly. All EU servers are very low pop Horde-side. I didn't find any real drawbacks until now. Im very much … Best servers for Horde / Alliance on EU? Hey there, so as the title says. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. 0. Im also eu horde going pve from pvp, atm its hard to choose server with horde pop being so low. 637. auction house is mostly cross server for mats. So best server for Alliance would be the Silvermoon. Alliance ??, Horde ?? Sourced from ‘Vanilla Classic Era’ discord, Resources channel and server census channel for population status. DaenerysMomODragons • 3 yr. I saw rumor on this forum it’s possible to transfer our horde off NGK. * Population - amount of unique players that meet any of the two conditions: - has a level 70 character and killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic Mode - has a level 70 character in a guild that killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic Mode Razorgore horde are bad, those who were good enough didnt have enough ppl signed up for it. Go US Heartseeker. Horde Server. It depends what you want to be best at. It feels like it has the most active community throughout the week (for the last few months ive been on it. So, while the best servers for the North American region would be Skyfury, Angerforge (PvP), and Maladath (Normal), the best European servers are Thekal, Jin’do (PvP), and Giantstalker (Normal 79 (15%) Horde. Hello I'm interested in joining the hardcore classic EU community but I can't find where the servers are, sorry if this has been asked 100 times before but I just can't find it. The big fat FAQ : r/wowhardcore. At least on EU, wpvp is no longer a thing as every "balanced" server over time turns into Earthshaker Classic servers were 4-8k average for the whole classic before tbc. Tich is very cutthroat and players do high level PvP content, as a PvE player I couldn Guardian Druid is the best pvp class in the game. Same thing as I said for Silvermoon basically. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. The pvp cluster is close to 50/50. WyaOfWade. and the rest being cross faction. Old Blanchy is a medium server that seems to be ali heavy, however there are plenty of horde (which makes world pvp Which server to choose for a returning player for Dragonflight? [EU Horde] : r/wow. I wanted to play on Gehennas so I levelled my DK on Ashbringer, that’s where my TBC main was so I could transfer gold for Flying, dual spec etc etc. Welcome to WOW Hardcore! The big fat FAQ. There was a pve focused discord server for all of AD, but I'm not sure how is it doing, since there was a bit of an exodus The closest is Venoxis with 2705 Alliance players and 9000 Horde players (23/76 split) or Sulfuron's 1800 Alli and 3500 Horde players (34/66 split). 2? 119. Now, let me elaborate: EU-PVP1 horde: This is a cluster of 8 old PVP servers. Server only affects the guilds you can join and the Auction house. Best eu Horde server - World of Warcraft Forums Silvermoon is an Alliance majority server. For EST server, go A52, largest PvE server ever and I think it’s based in the New York data center. TheWanderingBreton. So choose the highest population one with the faction balance towards what you want to play. Currently reading as Medium population servers, these PvP servers are also Horde favoured, apart from Arcanite Reaper Warmane is the highest pop out there. Faction balance is 30% Horde 70% Alliance. 0 coins. Source: Reddit. The most popular server in the US, according to the poll, appears to be Jom Gabbar. r/worldofpvp. It's such a horrible server to play on for horde. Souls of Steel is a new Horde guild of largely older / more experienced players, and while an official HC guild, does not have linked chat, so it's a significantly quieter & more enjoyable experience - nothing against the other guilds, but their guild chat is often a 500 miles per hour firehose of noise. bringthestorm66 • 4 mo. Best for raiding is Stormrage. I might be wrong but i think Stitches is abomination and not undead. Mirage raceway is very good. Play classic on Eu Firemaw. Next, we are looking at server population and faction split. Is this where the largest current EU Hardcore wow community exists? Best off checking their discord channel. Gehennas is currently the second highest EU English pvp server. Any recommendations for a decent EU Horde population server without these dumb queues? Advertisement Coins. Hope this all helps you find a realm if you are interested in Classic Era. EU Stormscale - can give you a hand getting started if you need it. Depends on what you want. Additional details available in the survey reveal east/west faction splits in PvE and PvP . In EU there are 1-2 alliance only servers with some room and two mega hordes. · 6y. The AH commodities (mats, consumables etc) is region wide nowadays. 10. After playing the first 5 or 6 years on one we'd had enough. Awkward-frostmourne. WrA is still hosting server wide RP events for both factions and has a very actually community Horde side. Explore . Nekrosh is gonna be dead in a few days/weeks. I’ve read that the top pop servers like Draenor or Tarren Mill are good but it’s difficult to make gold on them. Which PvP/PvE server would be best for Horde and which for the Alliance, specifically from the EU … Just wondering what the more popular Horde servers are ? Im looking to find a super casual guild but with enough people online to play and willing to change servers to find … I'm playing a Troll Druid, and i'm not sure if i should be on a Horde heavy server, or a balanced server. We recommend that players on the East Coast of the U. Vendor Mount should be updated to have current expansion goods! Blackrock,its a german realm with about 80-90% Horde. The reason I asked is because I have one Horde and one Alliance character I am leveling, and I noticed that dungeon queue times for my Alliance character are MUCH longer, even though both are dps. I wouldn't really recommend going Horde if you want to PvP. It’s more of a self-contained place as opposed to other servers that have a ton of connected realms and CRZ in open world. It's really unenjoyable right now, but Illidan is the probably your best bet. WrA for a smaller close-knit experience. The server is dead but plenty playing hardcore. Quelyndra-area-52 October 12, 2022, 2:10pm #1. Old Blanchy. I would rather be on a "High" or "Full" server, and i dont care about … The best Horde server on EU pls Community General Discussion Gnibbo-argent-dawn November 3, 2020, 7:35am #1 Hi! I want to play Horde but I need a … View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Actually it's quite a decent population (spoken from a person who's playing on a server with only 344 raiders according to ironforge. Even the official discord already changed name and image. Felstriker. You will find four server clusters covered below — two from NA, and two from EU. Plenty of groups going on and the like. Question. Cauchy-heartseeker May 15, 2021, 2:51am #11. Anierous • 1 yr. 9k+. (all Full PvP servers are linked). Note that you cannot transport your Classic character into Retail WoW. I'm returning from Vanilla Classic ( Didn't play for TBC ) So I'm coming into WotLK with two different 60s. Yes your class is viable for leveling. Ashbringer is growing super fast, it went from low … Mankrik NA PVE east for Alliance and if you want a pve server. It’s Gianstalker Alliance side. Just pick one of the biggest in your region. pro, and we still do dungeons). You can only find runs for 70s during primetime and primetime is 7-9:30 server cause dad server. Or to a 2-3k server. 3k horde 3k alliance as a limit. Horde rp is a bit more guild focused and based on Discord communities. New replies are no longer allowed. Masada_ • 3 yr. Most populated Horde PvE server (Classic Era) - Blizzard Forums Emerald Dream is the server you must join if you are aching for some hard-core RP content and since ED is created by THE dragon itself, Ysera. Other servers might edge it out if you’re doing absolute bleeding edge raiding (like we’re talking top 10-20 US), but in just the general Cutting Edge/AotC scene, it’s no slouch in the PvE scene either. that's where i get most of my rp honestly. Razorgore is not 50/50. If youre EU i think its firemaw but im not sure. Shadowstrike is second followed by Mutanus . Fun and populated server for alliance and horde. But we are unable to find a large group of hardcore players. For context I have my horde characters on Razorgore which has a horde population of around 2000 and I feel like it's a busy server with lots going on at all levels everyday. If your main goal is raiding, EU-PVP1 may be your best bet. net shop for £19/$25. So you have 2 PvE servers. I’d like a balanced server where I can make gold, play with guilds … View details for EU realms in World of Warcraft (WoW) including Realm Population, Raid Progress, Mythic+ Progress, Auction House Consumables Economy, and more. Akinci- •. Kazzak. 1. Alliance is a bit better for random rp and pve guilds. We're excited and happy to have you here with us, ready to start adventuring in this community made challenge. There are east coast and west coast servers. Can any of you guys suggest the best PVP server for horde on EU which also have guilds that raid? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . MrScales • 1 mo. Me and a few friends transfered there from Firemaw. 2 A/H ratio) Gehennas is 21095 players, 99,6% horde. Smallest pop of those mentioned but has an active pve scene. Marécage de … So basically, alliance players are trash and think they're the best; this sad combination leads to them ganking low level horde players. Which is the best horde server? All of them. Most populated server for Korea is 줄진 with 0 Rainsóng-area-52 June 9, 2022, 7:05pm #15. Due to a loophole, and the fear of ending on an unbalanced server, players are leaving to gehennas in droves. Also, check to see if it is horde or alliance dominated. Faction balance is 35-40% Horde 60-65% Alliance. We have been led to the guild “Not Prepared” on Hydraxian Waterlords horde side in TBC. Which Server for Horde. Draenor, kazzak are the most populated ones with 95% horde. Which server to choose for a returning player for Dragonflight? [EU Horde] I'm mostly playing alone, and aim to play both PvE and PvP (casually). Kazzak or Stormscale. The Alliance is the side that’s kind of died out in horde With the upcoming changes to gear and raids with the launch of phase 2, gearing will be quite easy, since u get 10M naxx gear in dungeons and 25m gear in 10 man naxx. Now, with 2 servers it's prime material for 100% alliance on one, 100% horde on the other. I encountered a good number of people who English was their second language, even. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [EU] Best horde PvP AND PvE server? I have my first character on Stormscale - EU, it has a pretty big imbalance, (Something like 90% hordes and 10% alliance) I'm playing a Troll Druid, and i'm not sure if i should be on a Horde heavy server, or a balanced server. In the U. Whitemane is 50/50 and is a popular server. I suggest a look at the Argent Dawn server forums and the various horde guild advertisements. Firemaw cluster is the most active one, you can make a character on any of the servers (Firemaw, Ashbringer, Bloodfang, Dragonfang, Earthshaker, Gandling, Golemagg, Mograine, Noggenfogger, Skullflame) and you'll be playing together with everyone else. 0ILERS • 4 mo. Horde ~3. The pve cluster is heavily alliance leaning. Mopper300 • 4 mo. This is the list of the server populations for World of Warcraft (WoW). 2k. bh0 • 2 yr. It’s not Hydraxis. Been on this server since classic begun and it’s always been active horde side 😊. Big enough to have a strong economy and not-complety-atrocious Raid&M+ player base, while also having a strong roleplaying community and social atmosphere. Tich has pretty much been PvP server since like Cata. Most populated server for Korea is 줄진 with 0 Your best bet would be Mirage Raceway, it has a horde population of 1400. 516. So technically the answer is thaurassian as that’s where most alliance horde players are, but because of phasing you will have access to the same groups on frostmourne, so there is no need to change. Any search comes up with the up coming gossip of official hardcore servers. For real this time. gg/b7e5MnMR. 8 comments. Ive been playing on firemaw horde and just hit 70 a week ago and im having a blast. This might have changed now with sweaty horde guilds transferring here. Ill-Writing-5591 • 4 mo. So 100% reason not to go there…. More context: Blizzard started offering free transfers from Razorgore to Gehennas (the biggest Horde server in EU) a few days ago. From what I can gather after searching for server population it seems it's either 70/30 alliance favored (Firemaw), or servers with only Horde (Gehennas) , or only Alliance. : r/classicwow. Nightmare. Other servers might edge it out if you’re doing absolute bleeding edge raiding (like we’re … Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s WotLK Classic Server Population tool. Most populated server for EU is Kazzak with 67 393 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters. The server was already 61/39 in favor of … With only 1 server it means the server should be more or less balanced, which is what people want. Barth is the best Horde server on Oce for M Raiding. Aiarc • 3 yr. reavcecr • 12 min. CumaBoomer • 1 yr. Its alliance majority, but the difference is shrinking. If you like PvP / ganking you can play on Skullflame et al. I'd say go for a high pop PvP server, or go Alliance on a PvE server. Look it up or search this Reddit. (a server probably is more likely to get 6+ layers over a queue) Hungol • 6 mo. r/wow. Thanks. For PVP though, idk ab illidan but Tich and Area 52 have vastly different social atmospheres. Draenor is an immensely populated Horde PvE realm. Lordaeron is x1 and has buffed pve content but a lower pop. No Taiwanese RP realms … Awkward-frostmourne Tich has pretty much been PvP server since like Cata. As far as US servers go, Whitemane has tons of Alliance players. Package with faction change. Anyone have some insight about server population, or can point me in the right direction? Draenor might be the Horde equivalent of Silvermoon, but It's an awful server; it's filled to the brim with abuse, racism, spam, xenophobia, 3rd-party selling, elitism and is just a downright unpleasant server to play on. Argent Dawn (EU) The EU version of Emerald dream server. Both Pyrewood and Mirage Raceway had competitive levels however on ironforge. Antonidas. Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 31 436 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters. August 26th. I'll give it a shot, not sure how much lag I'll get on a … Morgraine is decent as a PvP server for horde. Area-52 is the biggest Horde server. MG for a lot of options. If you were going to roll on any of them anyways, you might as well just roll Barth. Add a Comment. by Heisenberg_USA. Hardcore help EU : r/classicwow. Beautriceb • 9 mo. Triciatanaka-ten-storms April 24, 2023, 7:10am #4. Ok thanks good to know, decided to I am potentially going to lose a good guild slot that I wanted to play with my friends because of not being able to transfer my DK over. The other one is orc so prolly thats why. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment In most of Classic it … 1. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Play in the best horde guild in on mirage raceway, theirs a solid player base here. … After many years playing alliance I've decided on a new horde toon. Silvermoon has a population of approximately 172,000 actively played characters, making it a high population server in the European region for retail World of Warcraft. Until then, take a look at our Guide on the WoW Classic Realm List. Blacmoore. The horde retaliates with mains, corpse camping allies until the uninstall or server transfer. Yes it matters and you cannot do all of stuff cross faction. Independent server census puts the population for each of the four main clusters at around 2,000-4,000 players. Firemaw is highest with 35. Both Alliance and Horde can be guild based (Trying to RP with human characters can be a Nightmare if a Gnome, or a Dwarf, … View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. That's too bad. We want you to have a good time and be successful. Shadowmoon (暗影之月) Whisperwind (語風) Horde PvP. If walk-up rp is important to you or you keep unusual/erratic hours, go to Moon Guard. Golemagg “only” has 6479 players with a horde ratio of 83,6%. This has literally happened in servers with all horde and 40 alliance toons; the alliance just cant help themselves. if I’m wrong about something, I’ll be the first to admit it. Def a lot of people around. Dalaran. Best Horde EU server for Raiding. What I -would- say is that Argent Dawn is an incredibly bad server choice if you want to play Horde but have no intention of Roleplaying. Firstly, with … What’s the best Horde server now that the ‘big ones’ are locked? If I see correctly Morgraine is the one with highest population, is it a good/nice server to create a character? Also, you guys know some fun and easy ranged classes/specs for a very casual player who probably will be spending a lot of time in OW questing mostly solo? Sort by: best. Definitely Argent Dawn. Darx-ravencrest August 6, 2022, 6:29am #1. Mograine is a dead server with a very toxic playerbase (horde side) My Horde realm is Mirage Raceway. i can’t transfer him over to Gehennas and with me wanting to … Blackrock,its a german realm with about 80-90% Horde. I do recommend looking at the guilds. Stick around newbie. You will want to play/ raid when there are more people active. I'm on pyrewood and we have a very healthy sized community. If you're mostly interested in guild rp and server events, then either MG or WrA can be good options. S. And usually, the only way you can find that out is to start a fresh alt on a server. Every server certainly has its level of this, but Draenor really takes the cake - I'd wager if you picked a Draenor player Even the official discord already changed name and image. The fresh servers need a split. Bad for PvP maybe but awesome for PvE :) [deleted] • 10 yr. What is the best (in levelling terms) server EU Horde side to go to after dying on … Grobbulus might be it. So there you have it. The amount of hate and manipulation is absolutely crazy. There's barely any other RP realms and they ain't too active. Benediction for alliance, Faerlina for horde. We will update this list whenever there are any changes, so make sure to stay tuned. Hi! I want to play Horde but I need a balanced server to make me happy. 326 (56. etc. Icecrown (x7) has a cash shop and a long queue you can skip with a once-off payment. Never an issue to find groups for quests or dungeons. No more guessing what “Low” or “High” population means, and no more creating an Horde character only … Alliance specifics for PvE (Paladin's Blessings, Dwarf Priests, Human Melee racials, etc). You see people from other servers sometimes but it’s not all the time. Alliance is a lot better than Horde in PvE, and the contrary happens on PvP, but … Illidan is Chicago. It is the perfect place for all of you dreamers to indulge in this mystical realm. After that make sure you are on the right coast. Silvermoon, Ravencrest (though it's way smaller than Silvermoon) and potentially Argent Dawn if RP interests you. Firemaw horde is dying. Gehennas is really the horde pve server as people are saying, no alliance and over 5 times the population of any of the real pve servers for horde. i think my best advice would probably be to roll a character on all three servers, level to whatever I was thinking of starting fresh on the most populated classic era EU server. If you don’t like PvP / ganking you can play on Mirage Raceway et al. Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 46 618 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters. So yea get on a server that matches your time zone. Hardcore server populations not provided but are active too. Gamer District is x2 and released 3. 140. That doesn't mean you won't have fun. Stitches is gonna be the most popular one among both factions. pro . Edit: Its 3rd highest, second highest one is a 99. Not a completely empty. Other than that - only things that matter in server selection are server time and your latency to that server. On Zul'Jin for a couple reasons: - We wanted non PvP server (back when that was a thing). Much appreciated, preferred horde but both is fine. I’m fairly new to the game, I have only played in BFA, never PVP:d and I have 1700 achivement points. This guide is under process and we are pulling out the latest WoW Classic Server Populations for the European and Russian regions. Try around Orgrimamar or Silvermoon, maybe Booty Bay or Dalaran. Want to be Horde, on a well populated server with a lot of raiding and dungeon content. level 1. Rather than pick a server and try to find a guild, I can strongly recommend looking for a guild and transferring to their server. Hi guys, Hyped for TBC and will be playing. Heartseeker. Everyone is telling you to play on a mega server. 114. Silvermoon Population. Anyone who wants to join make a level 1 gnome and we will all be in a raid party, once 12:00 am server hits we will all run to see who will be the first 3 gnomes in the throne room of orgrimmar, Must be a level 1 gnome at starting zone, you can level and use any ability Give some value solutions. It's a pvp server but it's 99% Alliance. I have my feral tank druid on Bloodsail Buccaneers, I enjoy it fairly well, and finding dungeon groups with a tank isn't usually Nagrand is pre good, its also linked with Caelestrasz so the split pre much becomes 50/50 give or take 10-15%. Nor is my new realm, Dreanor, which is the highest Horde pop on EU. Comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . 1 recently. so it’s not necessarily super surprising to me that there isn’t many clears going on of a very hard raid in ulduar on a perma death server. Azariuh-area-52 June 9, 2022, 6:58pm #10. https://discord. JamesCowap • 10 yr. bringthestorm66 • 7 mo. I don't mind whether it is EU or NA, Alliance or Horde. RIP Gehennas. If that's what you want to do then so be it. It's where all of the streamers play and where all of the que times take place. I have my first character on Stormscale - EU, it has a pretty big imbalance, (Something like 90% hordes and 10% alliance) I'm playing a Troll Druid, and i'm not sure if i should be on a Horde heavy server, or a balanced server. some real good memes happen here if u ask me. , there are two WoW Classic Hardcore servers to choose from: Skull Rock and Defias Pillager . Definitely don’t go fresh if you want to play wotlk classic long term. . Argent Dawn Horde has plenty of people Roleplaying, but it's less social than Alliance. Shows population per side for all servers. Currently on Mograine but think the population is lower now since phase 1 when I last played so struggling to get groups together for dungeons etc. 12am server (11 central, lunch time) Gnome starting zone. I'd say the guilds are casual to medicore for pve. 2 yr. I would also advise you to pick a realm that operates on your timezone. its both alliance zones and horde mobs? No, alliance server doesn’t have horde zones and mobs. Premium Powerups . Kozpot • 2 yr. Realm population is only one factor in choosing a realm. Sort by: best. Yes, Argent Dawn EU. Every other server looks like the other faction moved out. crazymonkey202 • 1 yr. What type/level content are you looking for? The majority (63%) is planning to pick Alliance . Hey, I'm wondering what server to go for as Horde. For real this time : r/classicwow. 6% horde server though. Also if want to see the whole WoW Classic Server list then hit the link. Illidan is high pop and you'll find guilds active at all hours. - It was also Eastern time zone so easier for grouping/raiding at similar times. I have an alliance character on Noggenfogger which has an alliance population of 1200. 2. I check some websites about population and most populated seams to be: Ravencrest. You could literally run dagger only holy priest and level Don't be scared because of the "Low" pop tag in the server browser, - Tarren Mill is merged with another server which puts the server just a little below Twisting Nether and Kazzak overall. I’m aware I’m doing great, because I’m right. It's very guild focused, especially recently. I don’t want anyone reading this to assume they have to go to Mankrik for Alliance. 170. Frostmourne has essentially the entire alliance player base, Barthilas for the horde. They have no data at all on Stormrage, which is most likely the top Alliance server, and rank Tichondrius as only having 26k though I'm certain that is one of the biggest servers due to having large communities of both factions. Terms & Policies . The biggest EU realm had 1 or 2 guilds raiding and the rest of the people could not play SOM because nobody want to go to dungeons or raids with them :). Mankrik is a pve server, but is much more alliance. I wonder why classic era has so much more Alliance overall between having majority on PVE cluster and I think also a slight majority on PVP cluster. PUGs are atrocious (only 1 or 2 pugs are full WoW Classic Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion. They will have best economy and more opportunities for future growth. That's ArgentDawn. Philcorp • 4 mo. • 7 days ago. They have unfortunately overlooked that Firemaw still has free Choosing a medium server might be the more sensible choice right now. Mograine is good! Currently leveling there. Whitemane is balanced ally/horde pvp server over medium pop very active. 6. ago. • 4 days ago. - We wanted a populated server. WrA alliance basically requires discord if you're not already The only Alliance guilds who are in the top 10 in the world with 10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria are Frostmourne Oceanic. Hardcore started 3 years ago and gained traction through big events such as The Road to Ragnaros. Could be coincidence, but it got me wondering. The horde on razorgore are too casual to care so the allies got most of the wbosses for free despite horde outnumbering them severely. Looking for a good Horde server that isnt considered ‘Full’ before Dragonflight. This will give you the widest selections of guilds to join, and the healthiest auction house, and there are really no negatives. Scow2 • 9 mo. Numbers pulled from ironforge. Classic Era EU, Horde server. I play classic era on whitemane horde and mankrik alliance, I did a rfc group on whitemane about 4-5x yesterday. Anyways the best way is probably to create an alt on each server, /join lookingforgroup and see for yourself. Both servers have been overtly expensive in SL as regards prices for Rune 291 armors etc. If you use the r/wowguilds sub-reddit, you can search for a Horde guild in your continent that matches You probably want a full or high pop server that is dominated by your faction, which means more active guilds/players/ah for you. See more posts like this in r/classicwow If you are open and honest with people about being new; people will be far more lenient about not knowing the content and take the time to explain in most cases. 1354. WowRealmPopulation supposedly would check a much wider range, but it also seems pretty inaccurate. I know we have battlegroups so servers aren't as important overall but I'm looking for a high pop horde … Its alliance majority, but the difference is shrinking. 717. I actually play horde on frostmourne with some friends and we’re all in a thaurassian guild. Bgs pop in less than 2 minutes, its not hard to find groups for normal dungeons for doing the attunements and theres almost no queues. My friends have suggested moving my Alliance characters to Ravencrest, whereas I have received no suggestions for Horde, to avail better AH prices. Some servers, Horde is better than Alliance, and other servers, it's the reverse. well for one, ironforge pro tracks raiders. We thank IronForge & warcrafttavern for this compilation. WrA is still the go-to for Horde, yes. Generally speaking, even the most English-speaking EU realm will have others speak in another language, Twisting Nether is no different. So far, from the polls on here and on Discord … Hey there, so i would like to take a break from classic wow and play some retail but i would like to play as horde and im just wondering what is the most populated server and what … What specs do you think need a rework for 10. Noggenfogger is true 50-50!!! Flamelash is best for horde, you can all go there and have a lovely horde gey party. There’s no reason for the pve server to become unbalanced like that. Historically, it was the "serious" RP server to Moonguard, but had a slight Horde bias to Moonguard's moderate Alliance bias, but … Think a 50/50 server is probably best experience, so Razorgore/Golemagg/Sulfuron. Then you have Grobbulus which is the only true PvP server (about 50/50 balance), but you’ll be griefed non-stop while valley of honor, especially around the wyvern's tail inn, is really good. Yeah but server lag doesn't really exist (I'm EST, play on a PST server) for continental US. Economy is so bad half of our raiders buy consumes from ally side. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Best for RP is Moon Guard. Overall walk up RP on horde has been a bit quiet since Shadowlands, but overall the last few weeks it’s been having a revival of sorts. Literally no reason to xfer to Atiesh if you don't have friends or a guild there. Hi All, Can anyone recommend a horde EU Server to transfer to? Preferably PvP but open to PvE. A lot less casual rp. Is stormscale a good server for PvP AND PvE? Someone proves you wrong and you go full hostile mode and then reference them as a troll. EU Horde server . All the options I mentioned are great. Sulfuron is a French server and Venoxis is German. Okay. It’s a fun leveling experience and then it dies. I've been trying to decide which server looks best to play as Horde on the official Hardcore servers. (all Med PvE servers are linked). * Population - amount of unique players that meet any of the two conditions: - has a level 70 character and killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic Mode - has a level 70 character in a guild that killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic Mode Anathema, Arcanite Reaper, Kurinnaxx, Rattlegore, Smolderweb, Thunderfury. Blizzard pulled the plug on it. Sundown Marsh (日落沼澤) Crystalpine Stinger (水晶之刺) RP. Probably the best you're gonna do for OCE, otherwise Alliance 90% on Frostmourne, Horde 90% on Barthilas, roughly. Can anyone tell me which server fits the criteria please? I play another mmo but I'd like to get into the roots of World of Warcraft and level up a character from 1-60 when i need a break from my main mmo that I play. Xhanza • 1 yr. Best. 4 comments. Now, I don't know which is a more populated, better server for server life. It's a absolutely clusterfuck of self inflicted hatred. Most populated server for EU is Kazzak with 55 650 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters. Bunny-bleeding-hollow May 15, 2021, 11:40am #12. Ragnaros or Twisting Nether - both are good, busy PvP servers. Twinked characters don’t exist in the open world. A lot of zones are cross realm sharded, especially hubs. Either go fresh, or if you want an established server, Atiesh for West Of that, 70% is Alliance, 30% Horde (Percentages may vary depending on races/classes, but that is the average) Even despite this disparity, there is more RP on Horde side than there is RP in total on other Servers.